S1/E6 Truth Seekers

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[The episode opens up to five monitors; the first one showing Blitzø, Y/N, and Moxxie outside Martha's house, Moxxie then pushes Y/N's gun causing him to shoot in the wrong direction in "Murder Family". Another showing Millie coming out of the ocean after killing the fish monster in "Spring Broken", another's showing Millie and Moxxie french-kissing while swinging on a rope in "C.H.E.R.U.B.", the fourth monitor shows Y/N swiftly decapitating five people in a mansion dining room with the help of Collin, and on the fifth monitor is a shot of horses, which then zooms past them onto Blitzø, who's making a goofy face. Someone then points at Blitzø.]

Agent One: Right there

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Agent One: Right there. This was the first sighting.

Agent Two: They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world... and they seem to be killing specifically-targeted people, but why?

Agent One: They always attack at random, all over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next.

[A loud clattering noise is heard from outside, followed by an angry cat sound. The two agents immediately glance over to a hole in the wall that is covered with small wooden planks, forming a peek hole to the outside. They then see the source of all the racket, Blitzø outside on top of some trash bags and dumpsters looking around.]

Agent Two: Ah well, that's convenient.

Blitzø: Shh! Remember, we can't be seen.

[Blitzø slams the dumpster door loudly, but then falls into a pile of trash bags.]

Moxxie: Pardon my word, sir. But you're currently being the loudest.

Y/N: Yeah uncle Blitzø, dad's right you are being the loudest and most obvious one here, and I'm a 6 foot 10in tall demon with massive horns and magic despite my disguise.

Blitzø: Yeah yeah what ever you say Y/N and I said shush your dick-sucking lips, Moxxie.

[Moxxie steps away from his boss for a short moment as the portal was opened, Moxxie was about to head towards the portal.]

Blitzø: Get down!!

[Y/N quickly dives to the ground while Blitzø quickly tackles Moxxie to the ground as a net zooms by. Agent Two then reloads her weapon as Blitzø looks behind him and sees Agent One jump down with rope from a building and in front of the portal.]

Blitzø: Loona! Close it!

Millie: Wait! No!

[When Moxxie sees the portal close, he suddenly gets mad and fights off the two agents with Y/N while Blitzø hides. However, he is hit by a needle and falls to the ground.]

Blitzo: Moxxie!

Y/N: Dad!

[With quick thinking, Blitzø grabs Moxxie and runs away. He knocks Agent Two out of the way as he keeps on running, Y/N follows closely behind after socking Agent 1 in the face.]

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