Meeting an Deer and His Daughter

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Here's a picture of two of my friends being dumbasses from school that I thought was funny.

Now back to the story!

Y/N is out for a walk with Loona around Imp City just enjoying their day off.

Y/N: *Whistling* Sure is quieter than usual in Imp City today.

Loona: Yeah you got that right but maybe everyone just decided to take a break for today.

Y/N: Ha! Fat fuckin' chance of that ever happening.

Loona: Yeah but still I wonder what everyone is hiding for?

Y/N: Me too, I've asked everyone I know and so far the only thing I've gotten is Radio Demon though I have no idea who or what that is.

Loona: Me neither there was nothing about it on any of the Voxstagram posts today so I'm completely in the dark.

Y/N: I guess we'll just see if we meet em or not.

Y/N and Loona continue walking down the sidewalk but unknown to them they are being watched by a shadow with a devious smile on its face.

Y/N: So Loona how was Vortex's party, See any hellhounds ya liked?

Loona: Wa! Oh shut up you fucking prick! Just cause you have 4 girlfriends doesn't mean you have to make fun of my inability to get with anyone.

Y/N: Geez I was just asking and besides if you want I can set you up with someone.

Loona: Wait really?

Y/N: Yeah I know tons of Imps, Succubus, Hellhounds, basically most of the residents of Imp city.

Loona: *Thoughts* Come on Loona now's your chance just ask him! You've always liked him since you first saw him so make your move! *Normal* Oh well then do you think wecouldgoonadate some time?

Y/N: Sorry what was that part in the middle?

Loona: I said, do you think we could go on a date sometime?

Y/N: Wait what, I must have heard you wrong because it sounds like you just asked me if we could go on a date.

Loona: No that's exactly what I said.

Y/N: B-but we're cousins.

Loona: Not really Blitzø Isn't actually your uncle nor is he related to you so there isn't any problem with it.

Y/N: I guess but what would Blitzø say if his adopted daughter suddenly started dating his "Nephew".

Loona: I'm sure he'd be fine with it. Knowing how involved in everyone's lives he likes to get I think he'd jump at the chance to become your father-in-law if it developed far enough for him to obtain more secrets.

Y/N: Yeah you're probably right about him but sure I guess we could go on a date. I'll have to get used to the fact that you aren't my "cousin" anymore but I can accept it. But with that done you got any places in mind for our date?

Loona: Well we could go to my friend's restaurant.

Y/N: You have a friend?! Unholy Satan its happened!

Loona: Oh screw off you jack ass.

Y/N: Hahaha what, upset about your social awkwardness.

Loona: Whatever.

Y/N: Welp continue on, where is this restaurant.

Loona: It's in the north part of the city near that one cocky overlord's palace.

Y/N: The Lizard one?

Loona: Yeah that one, though I heard he's been giving my friend a hard time with her restaurant.

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