Welcome to Pentagram City

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Colin: Everything is packed and ready to go Y/N!

Y/N: Perfect, Malcia, Valeria, and Maximus come here!

M/V/M: Yes my lord.

Y/N: You three are coming with me to Pentagram city so I want you to behave, Colin has already packed your things.

Maximus: Very well my lord, thank you for choosing me.

Valeria: Oh does that mean I'll get to see all the city and creatures that live there?

Y/N: Yes

Valeria: Wooo hooo, let's go!

Malcia: Will I get to blow shit up?

Y/N: Likely they're in the middle of major turf wars right now.

Malcia: Well what're we waiting for, Pentagram City here we fucking come!

Y/N: Very well then either re-enter my shadow or get in the truck while I tell Revenant.

Maximus and Malcia get into the back of the truck while Valeria joins Y/N's shadow

Malcia: What's wrong don't like being outside too much, are you scared?

Valeria: No I'm not, I just like being with our lord.

Malcia: Suck up.

Valeria: You're just upset cause you wanna be in here too don't you.

Malcia: Shut up!

Valeria: You wanna be in here too don't you?

Malcia: ... Yeah.

Valeria: Then get in here.

Malcia slips out of the truck and into Y/N's shadow

Valeria: Better?

Malcia: Yeah.

Valeria: Comfortable?

Malcia: Yeah.

Valeria: Good then let's relax in our lord's shadow.

Y/N: Revenant you there?!

Revenant suddenly appears from the shadows of the tower

Revenant: Apologies for taking so long my lord.

Y/N: It's fine, I was just calling you to let you know that I'm taking these three with me to Pentagram City and I'm leaving you in charge until I get back, you have three objectives while I'm gone.

1. Upgrade our industrial sector and infrastructure so that we can become an industrial powerhouse.
2. Build more housing, water and food reserves, and military bases and stockpiles around the city.
3. Increase immigration primarily from the wrath ring for soldiers and in general for researchers.

Revenant: Yes my lord, thank you for this trust, I shall do my best.

Draculth and Ari then teleport onto Y/N's shoulders while Revenant swiftly moves to fulfill his orders

Y/N: I see you two have finally woken up.

Ari caws while Draculth blows small black flames from his nose

Y/N: Haha alright let's go pick up Octavia.

Y/N begins driving around the city which has notably improved in all aspects drawing in more demons and sinners who prefer a safer life

Colin: Wow this place really has improved since you took over Y/N, even mothers are able to safely walk around with their kids now.

Y/N: Well I try to do my best but there is still plenty of crime around the city that has to be dealt with.

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