Some Odd Changes

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We come back from where we left off, seeing Y/N, Blitzø, Fizzarolli, and Asmodeus exiting the limousine as they enter Asmodeus' mansion

Asmodeus: Well that was-

Blitzo: A complete shit show your horniness, look I don't give two fucks what you sins and your lovers get up to, but I fucking want you to know this. If my no longer quote unquote nephew now daughters boyfriend who now owns the entire city I live in, gets hurt because of your shit I will fucking RIP YOU APART!

Fizzarolli: Blitzø what the fuck?! You can't just talk to my wifey like that! If you tou-!

Y/N: Woah woah calm down both of you!... agh shit my head.

Asmodeus: I agree please both of you calm down, and Froggie, as much as you don't like people talking to me like that he is completely in the right. If mammon hadn't backed down and fought us, chances are Y/N would have been seriously injured, Mammon is not some bottom of the food chain sin like me, he's up there in power both personal and wealth.

Fizzarolli: But I, Y/N, he's strong I'm sure-

Asmodeus: Not strong enough to beat Mammon.

Fizzarolli: Alright if you say so, but I will punch Blitzø if he talks to you like that again.

Y/N: Ok everything here is settled then, right?

Blitzø and Fizzarolli: Yup.

Asmodeus: I believe so.

Y/N: Good, now Blitzø you said you wanted to go home right?

Blitzø: Damn right I'm tired as fuck.

Y/N: Alright Blitzø get ready.

Y/N creates a portal straight to Blitzo's living room

Y/N: There you go Blitzo, one portal to your home.

Blitzø: Thanks Y/N, see you tomorrow.

Blitzø waves goodbye as he walks through the portal which closes right behind him

Y/N: So, uhm...

Fizzarolli: Wanna fuck?

Asmodeus: Froggie?!

Fizzarolli: What you were thinking it too.

Asmodeus: Was not.

Fizzarolli: Yeah sure sweet cheeks, anyway Y/N you down?

Y/N: Eh sure why not, we've done it before why not again.

Asmodeus: Just like that, n-not even a little hesitation.

Y/N: ~Not at all sexy, say-

Y/N teleports the three into Ozzie's bedroom as his irises are enveloped in a lustful purple while he grows to her size, wrapping his tail around her right thigh and between her legs, his hands drifting to a boob and ass cheek one in each hand, and drags his tongue up the side of her neck whispering in her ear

Y/N: ~Is the big queen of lust getting flustered?

Asmodeus: W-what me f-flustered... n-never, I'm the q-queen of lu-ust after a-all.

Y/N moves one of his hands to Ozzie's chin and slowly drags it down her neck while he drags his tail along her crotch

Y/N: ~You sure about that?

Asmodeus: Uhm, I, y-e, n- oh j-just fuck me a-already damnit, I'm soaking wet now.

Fizzarolli: ~I think someone's flustered.

Asmodeus: S-Shut up Froggie, why isn't he doing anything to y-you?

Y/N teleports Ozzie onto the bed and himself behind Fizzarolli as he puts his arms on her and his tail wanders into her pants

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