Magic Training

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In a training room of the Goetia Mansion Y/N is training his teleportation, Melee, and Ranged magic on an unfortunate dummy stand.






(This happened 14 more times in the span of 3 seconds or 5 times per second.)

Y/N: *Heavy breathing* H-how was... that?

Stolas: Very good combo of your teleportation, melee, and ranged magics together Y/N, you are improving at an exceptional rate to the point where you may soon surpass me in your normal form.

Y/N: Thanks Stolas, so what next?

Stolas: First I want you to spar me in your normal form and overlord form then you will go up to Stella and train your healing, enhancement, and defensive magic.

Y/N: Ok when do we start?

Stolas: NOW!

Start music here

Stolas lunges at Y/N catching him off guard and throwing him into a wall, knocking the wind out of him.

Y/N: Ugh! *gasp*

Stolas: You need to keep your guard up, never let it down, that's how you die or worse someone you love dies.

Stolas lunges at Y/N again but this time Y/N dodges and rolls away, then fires multiple magic projectiles towards Stolas but he blockes them.

Stolas: Good you dodged that one and countered, Now Faster!

Stolas once again attacks Y/N with increasing speed almost with killer intent, forcing Y/N to dodge with increasing speed trying not to get pummeled while firing occasional pot shots at Stolas.

Stolas: Y/N stop running and fight like you mean it! If you must, act like you're protecting Octavia and those other girls!

Y/N freezes up for a millisecond giving Stolas the time he needs to strike Y/N with a powerful magic attack sending him through a pillar and into a wall.

Stolas: Don't freeze up! That's how you lose and get yourself or one of your girlfriends killed!

Hearing that one of his girlfriends could die if he made just one mistake causes Y/N to change into his Overlord form and lunge at Stolas at breakneck speeds grabbing his head and throwing him through two walls then repeatedly blasting the spot with magic attacks, creating a huge dust cloud.

Stolas: Good *cough* good, but, STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

Stolas bursts from the rubble and charges at Y/N entering a clash where the two were moving so fast it was hard to tell where they where at times. Constant teleportations, ranged magics, and melee magics were thrown around the whole room, both stuck evenly matched until Y/N throws the fastest kick he ever has, so fast even Stolas with slowed time couldn't see it.


The kick sends Stolas straight into the ground creating a massive crater with Stolas at the bottom. Y/N then proceeds to throw attack after attack at the spot for a few seconds then stops and waits for the dust to settle.

End music here

Stolas: *cough* *cough* good *gasp* good job Y/N, I yield, you win.

Y/N: Thanks Stolas now let's help you up.

Y/N transforms back to normal and helps Stolas out of the hole and over to Alfred who cleaned the two up before sending Y/N off to Stella.

Y/N: Are you sure he'll be fine?

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