Seeing an Old Client

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N/N - Nickname

Today is a surprisingly beautiful day in hell and to couple with it Y/N and Octavia are out together for a surprise that Y/N planned, but what they don't know is that Y/N is going to meet a familiar teacher again.

Octavia: So where are we going?

Y/N: I told you it's a secret.

Octavia: Come on just tell me.

Y/N: Nope you'll find out when we get there.

Octavia: Ugh, fine.

The two walk down the streets of Imp city until they are standing in front of a building that looks like a mix between a club, a bar, and a singing place. (Sorry I can't remember what they're called but basically a club where guests can go up and sing.)

Octavia: Where are we, wait are we at where I think we are?

Y/N: Yup I brought you to, The Tempting Demon, the best singing club in this city and one of the best in Hell.

Octavia: How did you get a reservation here it practically always booked just like Ozzie's?

Y/N: All I had to do was pull some strings since I knew the owner's daughter, she was actually one of our clients.

Octavia: Hmm and you just pulled some strings there wasn't any suspicious business that happened between you too.

Y/N: What, no why would I ever do that I would never date another demon let alone do any deeds with them without your permission.

Octavia: Ok then I believe you.

Y/N: Well with that over shall we go in my Starfire.

Octavia: Of course my N/N.

Y/N and Octavia walk in and are immediately hit with all the raving colors and special effects of the club.

Y/N: Wow, that's a lot of flashing colors.

Octavia: Yeah but it's really cool.

Y/N: You're right but let's go get our seats first.

Octavia: Right, probably the best idea.

The two walk to their seats away from the stage area and all the screaming demons. Sitting down the two relax themselves and start to talk about the things that had happened since they last talked right before that Loopty Goopty guy came and gave them that job.

Y/N: So how's your house life been, Stella still trying to kill your dad? Hah

Octavia: Haha very funny, everything's been good and yes my mom is still trying to kill my dad but less often now since you talked to her and we've been together.

Y/N: Well the fact that she's trying to do it less is good.

Octavia: Yup but now about you how have you been since that new job, what happened?

Y/N: Well we were given a job by this guy fresh into hell, to kill his business partner so we accept and go up to do it. We're at his partner's window seeing that he's about to off himself but then three god damn Cherubs come down from heaven and ruin the whole thing so we had to intervene and it just became a back and forth of them making life look good and us showing the bad things hidden in it. Eventually we got to an opera which is basically impossible to make bad yet my uncle Blitzø did it, meanwhile I was screwing around with the Cherubs in my human disguise. The opera lady died and the Cherubs started to attack us but they accidentally killed the person they were trying to protect and got kicked out of heaven. Everyone else left but I stayed cause there was one Cherub who I felt bad for and I found out that he was being used by them so I helped him, we killed the two of them and he became my employee and an employee of I.M.P. Speaking of which I think you should meet him, Colin can you here please.

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