𝐨𝐧𝐞 「 perıod crαmps αnd tuned guıtαrs 」

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'Cause you're the reason I believe in fate

You're my paradise

And I'll do anything to be your love, or be your sacrifice

Infinity – Jaymes young


I tune my mint-green guitar, while trying to ignore the annoying noise my band mate and best friend Victoria is making. Ethan and Damiano run into the room, load talking about who is gonna cook tonight. We all know Damiano is the better cook, but Ethan makes the most delicious ossobuco. I close my eyes, trying to be less annoyed, and focussing on my guitar, when the last band member Thomas walked in, starting to play on Ethan his drums.

Three years ago we won X-factor italy, the band maneskin, with five members. Two guitarists, a bassist, a drummer, and of course a singer. Thomas, who was the youngest, twenty. Ethan and Victoria, who were both twenty one by now. Damiano, who was the oldest, twenty two. And me, Davina Bianchi, the twenty one year old guitarist. I was born in Milano, but moved with my parents and twin sister Lydia to Rome when I was two.

"Can you all shut up, che cazzo, I'm trying to focus", I yell annoyed, while looking back at the music notes in my little note book. Everyone was silent within a half second. I was never this annoyed, normally I would be the one who talked to most and who was the annoying one. Today I just wasn't in the mood, my stomach hurts, period cramps, and I barely slept tonight. Victoria, who wrapped her arms around my neck and placed a kiss on my cheek, "is something wrong Dav?". I sighed, "just period cramps, I hate being a girl in these moments".

Victoria and I both chuckled, Thomas tried to join in the conversation, "yea it hurts pretty bad". I one moment Victoria and I both looked at Thomas, raising our eyebrows. "Thomas dear, you have no idea", my legs got up, handing him his guitar, signaling that I wanted to start rehearsing. We scored our first official hit, in Italy, about a year ago. And it was the best moment in our carrier. The song 'torna a casa' meant a lot to us, especially for Damiano, since he writes the lyrics.

Damiano smoked his third cigarette while we were tuning our instruments. Since 'torna a casa' was I soft song and I didn't needed to dance, like we did with songs like 'In nome del padre', I grabbed the purple velvet chair to sit down on it. "Are you guys ready?", impatient Damiano taps on his microphone. Ethan pulled up his dumb from behind his drumset.

The drummer and I had the closest friendship of all, of course my friendship with all the band members was special and so strong. But with Ethan I was the closest. We know each other since we were five and six. I always bullied him for being a few months younger than me, of course it was just a joke, so I still do it.

Victoria, Thomas and I also raised our thumbs and Thomas and I started to play, followed by Victoria. Ethan had not much to do in this song, since it was mostly soft, but it didn't made him love the song less.

"Cammino per la mia città dd il vento soffia forte

Mi son lasciato tutto indietro e il sole all'orizzonte"

I hummed along with the song while playing the notes on my guitar, it sounded beautiful. And although we had a lot of new songs since 'torna a casa' we just loved to play it.

"Vedo le case, da lontano, hanno chiuso le porte

Ma per fortuna ho la sua mano e le sue guance rosse"

Vic also started playing with her purple bass with panther print. Today it was a hot day, like always. So the boys weren't wearing shirt and Vic and I only the same top, a white one, without a bra of course, because those suck, and I wore a short black pants, while Victoria was only wearing an underpants.

"Lei mi ha raccolto da per terra coperto di spine

Coi morsi di mille serpenti fermo per le spire"

My dark brown hair fell for my eyes and I wiped it away before missing a note. Now it's behind my ear and it itches. The color from Damiano his hair is exactly the same as mine. I have bangs just like Victoria, only my hair is straight and not wavy like hers, I hate it.

"Non ha ascoltato quei bastardi e il loro maledire

Con uno sguardo mi ha convinto a prendere e partire"

Thomas missed a note, and I see Damiano looking at him, while Thomas makes his innocent face. It makes me chuckle. That is the advantage of having two guitarist, when the one misses a note, it doesn't matter that much.

"Che questo è un viaggio che nessuno prima d'ora ha fatto

Alice, le sue meraviglie e il Cappellaio Matto"

Damiano his voice is raw, but so beautiful. My eye close and I play the notes without even looking at my note book. We played this song like a thousand times so we don't need a cheat sheet anymore. My fingers make smooth movements over the string of my guitar. Than the drums from Ethan follow, and the whole studio turned into heaven with this music. It's maybe weird thinking about your own music this way, but I'm just so proud of us. That we are able the make every single not ourself.

After rehearsing a few songs like 'moriro da re', 'vent'anni' and 'la paura del buio', Ethan closes the door from the studio and we make our way to the living room, to play some games on the PlayStation and eat some snacks. This is the kind of day we have almost every day when we are in a rehearsing or writing process. We live together in a house, and Giorgia, Damiano his girlfriend lives here too. The rest of us are happy single.

Thomas walks back from the kitchen with three glasses in his hand, filled with lemonade. "Thomas watch o-", before Ethan can finish his sentence, Thomas falls over a shoe and spills the lemonade all over me, luckily he didn't dropped the glasses. "I'm sorry Dav", he throws me a towel and I sigh, chuckling, "asshole". I throw the towel back towards him after I driend my neck and arms. As sweet as he is, Thomas throws me a shirt that is lying on the couch, for I have no idea how long.

I strip off my white top, not minding being topless in front of everyone. We were used to that, and it wasn't weird. I mean, everyone is born naked right? And why do only girls have to hide their naked upper body. Like Victoria always says, "we are hot anyways". And right she is.  


OMFKGGGG you guys have no idea how excited I am for this (unfortunately) short book, but I wrote this on my vacation, and well I'm kind of proud. 

xx, Eva 

(feel free to send me requests, since I want to starts writing imagines again)

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