𝐬𝐢𝐱「 ι ᥣιkᥱ ყoᥙ 」

465 22 1

"Can you feel this magic in the air?

                               It must have been the way you kissed me

                            Fell in love when I saw you standing there

                                           It must have been the way

                                              Today was a fairytale"

Today was a fairytale – Taylor Swift


I tried to avoid Ethan, for the whole evening, and it worked, he only smiled at me, knowing I can't lie. But now it's morning, and I can't avoid him all day. It's not that I don't want to see him, but I mean, we kissed and if I look in his eyes for too long, I want to kiss him again, and over and over and over again. With the same knot in my stomach my legs get me out of bed. It's the same knot but with a whole other meaning, the meaning of I-try-to-avoid-him-but-I-want-to-kiss-him.

"Guys, can we skip rehearsels today, I'm feeling sick", we are having breakfast together, and I stare at my phone, random scrolling through my for you page on tiktok. Ethan sits diagonally across from me, reading something from an old book. Everyone looks up, Thomas raises an eyebrow, "Period?", I throw a napkin to his head, irritated.

I'm not really sick, but this way I can't work normally anyway. And maybe everyone will ask that question, I don't need that. Victoria also throws her napkin at Thomas, "ignore that toddler, of course we can skip today, we don't have a busy schedule for the next few weeks", the bassist smiles at me, grabbing my hand and placing a little kiss on it.

When you're sick, or pretend you are, in this house you'll be served like a queen or king. Victoria and Giorgia got me back to bed, with warm blankets, tea and lots of hugs. These friends are the best I could ever wish for. I feel bad about lying of being sick, but it's not like I am the first one in this house pretending to be sick. Last year, Thomas pretended to be sick a whole week, so we wouldn't go in the studio, and we won't notice the fact that Thomas broke my guitar.

Someone knocks on my door, and there is only one person in the house who knocks and not immediately comes in, and that one is, obviously Ethan. "Can I talk to you". His head came in, followed by his body. He sits down on my bed and feels my forehead, "you're not sick". I giggle innocent, playing with the sheets of my bed. "About yesterday", he stopped talking and grabbed my hand. I hoped he would kiss me again, but he didn't, at least not yet I hope.

"It r-really meant something to me", an awkward but sensitive voice came out of his mouth. In my head, I sigh in relief. "It meant something to me too", I feel my heart beating loader, and his face lighting up, and he smiled so cute. We are both too pussy to make a move, we just stared in each other's eyes, drowning in them.

"Ethan, she need sleep shut up", Giorgia came in, sending Ethan away. Chuckling he gets up, winking at me, making me bite on my lip. He walked away, leaving me there, with a million questions. Giorgia rolled with her eyes. "Go get some sleep", I lay down, sticking my tongue out to her, "go fuck your boyfriend". Giorgia raised her eyebrow, "I did, this morning, bye", she closed the door, and I giggles.

About an hour or two later I wake up, and something moves on my bed. When I open my eyes, I see the drummer sitting with a box of chocolate in his hands. "For the sick girl", I smile at Ethan, who puts the box on my night stand. His body moves slowly over the bed, and he lays next to me. It's not like we never cuddled, or slept in the same bed, On tours we always spend rooms with Victoria. But since we liked each other, it was different.

"Did you locked the door?", with a weird face he got op, and locked the door, "Why?". My laughing face turned serious and I looked at Ethan, "whatever this is we are having, no one can know, at least, not yet". Both his arms wrapped themselves around my neck, pulling me close to his body. "Okay, no one will know".

For more than twenty minutes, we cuddled, and he gave me kisses on my hair and forehead. It felt amazing and I loved every single second of it. Right now, Ethan massages my shoulder, and caressing my arms, placing lovely little kisses on my cheeks. We don't need to talk, his movements say more than thousand real words.

"Don't leave, please", I grab his hand, when he was about to walk away. He gave me a tired face, laying down again. "I won't", he whispered, letting me kiss his hand. I cuddle onto his chest, and his fingers run over my back. "Davina", the way he said my name, with his deep Italian voice, it gave me chills. "Ethan", I turn my face towards Ethan's, waiting for him to speak. "I loved this", I smile, kissing his cheek. "And so did I, Ethan".

He gets up, ready to leave me on my own bed, cold and with a lack of cuddles I got from him earlier. He grabbed my cheeks with one hand, and I press my lips on his, making him gasp. I know it's not right. Falling in love with your band mate. But at first, I can't help it, and for second, I loved this. I love the way he caresses my arms, kisses my forehead and overwhelms me with hugs.

I open the little box, which is filled with chocolates, after Ethan left my room, to go to the stores. Eight little bonbons are screaming 'eat me', and I just can't refuse eating one of them. The flavor of white chocolate mixed with caramel filled my mouth with happiness, until I notice the little note on the bottom of the little box. Ethan wrote it, I recognize his handwriting. It says 'I like you', and that one moment, my heart just melts.  


I just had a shitty day, how are you guys????? :))))))

𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 - 𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now