𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 「 posıtıve tests 」

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I've had the highest mountains
I've had the deepest rivers
You can have it all but not til you move it

Now take it in but don't look down

'Cause I'm on top of the world'

On Top Of The World – Imagine Dragons


E T H A N:

Thomas opened the front door and I run towards the door which lead me to the living room, seeing my girlfriend in tears, sitting on the couch next to Victoria and Giorgia. She saw me and got up, running towards me. She jumps and my arms and cries in my neck, clamping her arms around my neck. "Baby, w-what is going on?". She doesn't give a respond. Hearing her sobbing so hard in my neck makes me wanna cry too. My arms hug her tied, and my neck moves towards Giorgia and Victoria, in Giorgia her eyes I see she cried too.

"What is going on?", I whisper towards them, sitting down with Davina still in my arms. Victoria looks at the ground and Giorgia whispers back, "she should tell". My hands start shaking, why is she so upset? Damiano and Thomas sit down next to us, and Thomas takes Davina her hand. "Bestie, what is wrong". She sobs a few more times and Damiano wipes her tears away. "That's good Dav, breathe in and out", Damiano says. My hand caresses over her back, until I feel something. The shape makes my heart beat loader, because I recognize it.

Quickly she pulls my hand away. "Davina, what was that?", with my serious voice I look in my girlfriend her eyes, which are red of crying. Her hands shake and Thomas stops them, while he looks questioningly at me. Davina looks down and my hand goes back to her backpocket. Victoria gasp. By now I already knew what that thing in her pocket was, I just don't wanna know. A white with pink pregnancy test comes out of it and wide-eyed I look at the positive sign.

Damiano looks over my shoulder and as soon as he seen the plus sign, he gasp, shocked. My bones freezed and I feel everyone looking at me. "Ethan?", a careful voice comes out of Davina her lips, and in her eyes I see she is scared, scared of what will happen. I swallow, closing my eyes, when a tear rolls down. "I-I what h-how", more than that I can't get out of my mouth. "Maybe we should leave", Thomas says, about to walk away. Awkwardly everyone follows him, towards the back yard.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm so sorry". Davina panics and I stop her, by laying my hand on her cheek, almost squeezing her face. "No, don't be, it's not your fault". My legs get up and I start walking round around the living room, sometimes throwing something on the ground, like a magazine. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, how the hell did this happened". I'm mad, scared and shocked. How the actual fuck could be be so stupid.

"We can't keep it Ethan, we can't", Davina sits on the couch, drowning in her own tears. I know she it right, but her words are shocking. "Y-you mean, letting it be removed?", abortion was something I hated, but I knew if Davina wanted this, it would be her choices. A little relieved I saw her shake no with her head, very shy. "No, I mean a-adoption". A few more curses later, I sat down next to Davina again. "If you want that, we do that".

I feel bad after what Davina told me. That she missed her period twice. As her boyfriend I should have noticed, I should have noticed something was wrong. Now I look at her it's obvious to see that she has something growing inside her, you can see that her belly grew, just a little bit, but you can see it. Thomas his head comes inside the living room, and sees us sitting on the couch together. "Can we come back in, it's cold outside", Davina chuckles, nodding. "Yes sure".

While diner no one speaks and the words, baby and pregnant also didn't dropped, at least not yet. "Dav, can I ask something?", a little awkward Damiano asks. Davina smiles, pretending to be strong in holding back emotions. "Yea Dam of course". Clumsy, Davina takes some mashed potato of her spoon, waiting for Damiano to ask. "No never mind", he says and looks back to his plate. "No Dam ask what you want to ask, we cannot avoid this topic". Damiano smiles short, "what are you going to do with, you know, it". He puts emphasis on the word it, and we all know what he means.

Davina is doing her best to hold her tear, so I decide to answer for her. "She wants to give it up for adoption", as soon as that line rolls out of my mind, Victoria and Thomas choke in their food. But no one dares to say anything.

D A V I N A:

The rest of diner is just awkward, but it will become a crying party if we are gonna talk. So I think shutting our mouths is the best options, since I think everyone cries enough for today. Giorgia and Damiano went to their bed, and Thomas and Victoria make a round with Chili, to avoid the awkward moments again I think. Ethan hugs me, while we stand in the kitchen, cleaning up. "I have to text Lyd". The drummer lets go of me and I take my phone off the kitchen, searching for my sister her number.

My fingers move over my phone, but weird words come out of my typing, since my hands are haking as fucked. After a minute I finally nailed my message.

"Hi Lyd! Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, now or should we call each other later?"

She knew nothing yet, but she needs to be the first I tell it to.

"Can it now, I need to talk to you, like NOW"

"Sure, is it bad?"


"Ow now, call me". 


I want him as my bf like so bad (last part tomorrow :((((((( )

𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 - 𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now