𝐭𝐰𝐨 「 gırls bıte bαck 」

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"Picture, you're the queen of everything

Far as the eye can see under your command

I will be your guardian when all is crumbling

I'll steady your hand"

Never Say Never – The Fray


Our stylist Hannah was busy helping Ethan with his leather choker, since he couldn't do it himself. Today we were having an exclusive concert in La Spezia. We love it, playing live. I mean that is the best thing about being rockstar, right? I was wearing a transparent lace top, with black tape covering my nipples, and I'm tuning my electric guitar. My new guitar, I got it for my birthday, it's yellow with white and I love it.

Meanwhile I hear the fans load talking, waiting for us to come on stage. Sometimes I think our lives are to amazing to be real, I mean we are the closest friends group, we have thousands of fans cheering for us, and we got the chance to make our work out of our hobby, writing music. Ethan handed me a list, "you know all the songs we are playing right?". I nodded heavily, but to make sure I looked at it again. We are permorming twelve songs today, and also my favorite one 'for you love', since I made that guitar solo.

The iconic thing we always do before gigs, we didn't forget it, never. A group hug, not a big thing, but it really helped us giving everything on stage. Everything changed since we won SanRemo, can you believe it, San fucking Remo. We were the one who are representing Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest next year in Rotterdam. "Rock it guys, I believe in you".

My thought were interrupted by Hannah, and we run towards the stage, like little kids, we actually were, I mean we are only twenty. Damiano greets the audience and everyone screams and cheers. Thomas and I look at each other, we are about to play the first notes together with Victoria and Ethan. We had ears in so we didn't have to look to each other, but it is a thing we do every time. The first notes of Zitti E Buoni came out of the four instruments and the audience started screaming.

"Parla, la gente purtroppo parla, Non sa di che cosa parla

Tu portami dove sto a galla, Che qui mi manca l'aria"

This part was my favorite part of the whole song. The audience sings along with Damiano. Vic and I both sit on her knees, killing the stage with our girlpower. I looked at out arms, Victoria and I both have the same tattoo. On our upperarm we tattooed the text 'girls bite back', and it was true.

"Parla, la gente purtroppo parla, Non sa di che cosa parla

Tu portami dove sto a galla, Che qui mi manca l'aria"

It was only the first song and believe me when I say I think that everyone in the whole audience already lost their voice, they scream and sing along with Damiano so load.

"Parla, la gente purtroppo parla, Non sa di che cazzo parla

Tu portami dove sto a galla, Che qui mi manca l'aria"

My eyes turn away towards The drummer, his hair is covering his eyes, but he still plays amazing. One year ago he thought about cutting it off, til his shoulders. We literally threatened him by saying he wouldn't be our drummer anymore if he would do that, of course we didn't mean it. But we love Ethan his hair too much to let him cut it off.

We played all our songs, and what an amazing two hours it was. We all enjoyed every single second of it. Ethan throws his drumsticks to the crowd like always, Victoria waves and I make a air kiss, making everyone cheer again. "You guys killed that", Leo, our best friend gives us a group hug, so I can feel Ethan and Thomas their sweat on my shoulders.

We sit in our black bus, on our way home, and I still feel my heart beating load. Everyone stares at their phones and I stare the road. Victoria jumps up out of her seat, "omg guys". Thomas, who is sitting opposite me is getting a heart attack, "Cazzo Vic!", he yells, making me chuckle. "You know how bad we wanted to make a 'for your love' videoclip right?". Everyone's face light up. Vic is right, since the moment we wrote 'for your love' we wanted to make a hot videoclip out if it.

Vic continues, "well, I just fixed it". As proud of herself as she sounded, we were. "Vic, no fucking way", Damiano wide-eyed, and I kissed Vic on her cheek, "that is so fucking amazing Vic", she gave herself a pat on the back. "I know, I'm amazing", she said, making everyone laughs.

Our dream is, just like every other artist I think, to break through in Europe and later maybe America. We are going to the Eurovision Song Contest, which can make that dream come true. The fact that Italy is willing to send a rocksong towards the Eurovision is new, since rock isn't a big thing in Italy. But we are definitely planning on making rock the most popular music style in the world.


*Maneskin posts pictures of them on stage*

Davinabianchi, vicdeangelis and 892.574 liked this photo

Tagged: ykaaar, ethaneskin, thomasraggi_, vicdeangelis, davinabianchi

Maneskinofficial: Grazie la Spezia, l'abbiamo scosso

Comments: 8.218


Davinabianchi: I think my new guitar stole the show ;p

Ykaaar: davinabianchi best birthday present ever?

Davinabianchi: ykaaar definitely!


Thomasraggi__: che brutto

Vicdeangelis: thomasraggi__ no we are handsome

Ethaneskin: vicdeangelis yes indeed, especially me AHAH


Fan1: It was amazing, I can tell, I was front row

Fan2: fan1 I'm jealous asf, I couldn't be there

Fan1: fan2 once you'll meet this amazing and beautiful people


I wanna cry, and marry Ethan ofc

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