𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 「 ɯe broke the rule 」

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So, tell me how to be in this world

                            Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt

                             Tell me how 'cause I believe in something

I believe in us

Us – James Bay


We won Eurovision, and it's still unbelieveable. Today we fly back to Rome, and I really wanna know what will happen on the airport. At 11;58 I slowly wake up. Warm arms are wrapped around me, and the drummer is still sleeping. I turn myself around, and crawl closer towards his body. He smells like perfume and after shave. His breath is on my hair and my hands rest on his chest.

For minutes long I wait for the drummer to wake up, but we slept five hours, so he isn't gonna wake up yet. I crawl up to sit, and Ethan lays his head on my stomach. I stroke his hair and arms, when he slowly wakes up. "Good morning Torchio". Without saying a word he gets up, pressing his lips on mine. "Good morning belladonna", he said, while taking me on his lap, where we cuddle for a long time.

"How late are we leaving?", I ask, staring to my phone. Ethan is in the bathroom, busy with fixing his hair, it's one hell of a mess, just like mine. "2 PM in the lobby from the hotel", he muttered. That's in 35 minutes already. "Hurry up, I need to shower too", I step into the bathroom, making Ethan grin. "We can shower together". I roll with my eyes and turn the water on, "yea we could, but we are not". I stick out my tongue, sending him out of the bathroom, lightly disappointed.

E T H A N:

I hear the shower, and listen to Davina, who is humming 'Zitti E Buoni', our winning song. Yesterday night was amazing, I had no idea I had so much in me, but I apparently have, and Davina loves it. Knocks on the door interrupt my thought, it's Victoria, "Good morning", she walks in, with a bright smile on her face. "Good morning", she jumps next to me and places a kiss on my cheek. "Are you almost ready?". "Davina is in the bathroom, so almos-", a noise in the bathroom cuts me off.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck", Davina cursed, and again and again. "Are you okay Dav?", I yell at the bathroom, while Vic starts playing a game on her phone. "We forgot a fucking condom". That moment, our secret disappears and comes out. Davina didn't know Victoria was here. The bassist stood up, wide-eyed looking at me. "Vic is here", I mumbled, making Davina gasp. She came out, dressed and showered.

"Y-you g-guys", Victoria stares at us, still wide-eyed. "Vic listen", Davina walks towards her, grabbing her arm. Victoria refuses and pushes Davina away. "Don't touch me, you guys fucked", the anger in her voice makes me a little scared. "Vic please, we fell in love, you can't control that", Davine tries to grab Victoria again, and Victoria keeps pushing us away. "You guys, we had one rule, and you broke it by fucking each other", in three steps she was at the door, opening it.

"Please Victoria, come back", I yelled, but the bassist ignores me, walking away. As soon as the door closed Davina runs into my grip, crying. "We fucked up, we fucked it all up", she cried into my chest. I wanted to say we didn't to make her feel better, but I can't lie. Because it is the truth, we definitely fucked it up. Our suitcases waited for us, ready to go.

D A V I N A:

"You guys did what?!", Damiano yelled when we stepped into the lobby, everyone was quiet, looking at the ground. "Leave me alone", I said towards Damiano, walking in a straight line towards our cab, who will drive us towards the airport. I took a birth control, so hopfully I don't get pregnant. Ethan walked towards me, grabbing my cheeks with his hand. "Belladonna listen, I know you're angry, but that is not gonna help. Let me explain them". I looked with anger in his eyes, which I knew was wrong. I had no right to be angry, I was the one who did the wrong thing.

As good as the mood normally used to be when we were in a car, so bad was the mood right now. No one said something and I felt all eyes on us, which made the blood in my veins boil. How can they not be happy for us, when we told them we fell in love. Ethan was the one who broke through the silence. "Guys please listen", all faces turned to Ethan, except for Victoria who was looking at the road.

"We know we broke the rule, but w-we fell in love", I felt his warm hand taking mine, and softly squeezing in it. "We can't control with who we fall in love guys, please understand that", Ethan said, but everyone ignored and I felt tears gather up in my eyes again. Ethan wiped them away, letting my head rest on his shoulder. "Why didn't you guys told us?", Thomas the youngest finally said something. And it felt like I am the one who should respond to that.

"Because of this shit, that you guys would be angry and wouldn't understand it". Victoria sighed deep by my words. "Of course we are angry, we had a rule, and if it is love okay, we can understand. But for how long did you guys kept this a secret?". Victoria's words made me cry and I looked at Ethan. The singer repeated Victoria her question, "How long guys?". I swallowed and heard Ethan do the same, it was more than a month.

I started muttering, "more than a month". These words made Victoria only angrier. "More than a month!?". I hid my face in Ethan his arms, which were wrapped around me. And by now I could feel a sea rolling down my cheeks. Why does it always have to go like this?  



𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 - 𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now