𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 「 ıt ɯαsn't supposed to hαppen 」

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Oh, and it's breaking over me
A thousand miles out to the sea bed
Found the place to rest my head

Never let me go, never let me goNever let me go, never let me go

Never Let Me Go – Florence and the machine


"Gio, open your fucking door". Panicking I knock for the tenth time on Giorgia her door. Victoria is next to me, trying to calm me down. "Maybe she is sleeping", Victoria speaks calm, but als panic is in her voice. "What do you want?!", After forever Giorgia finally opens the door to her bedroom. Today the boys have a boys day with Leo, so they are gone the whole day.

Everything went so great between Ethan and me. We share his bedroom now. It's two months after Victoria and the others found out, and everything is just going like I wanted it to go. I run towards Giorgia her bed and scream as hard as I can in one of the yellow pillows on the bed. "What does she have", Giorgia looked at me with a face like I was crazy, which I probably was right now.

Victoria swallowed after I begged her to tell Giorgia what was going on. "She missed her period, for the second time". And it hit Giorgia like a bomb. It was true, and maybe a bell should have rang the first time I missed it. "Davina, that means you're p-", I cut her off before she can finish her sentence. "Don't say it please!", again, for the fourth time today I started crying.

I just want to know why I missed my period again, or well, actually I already know. "We have to get you a test", Giorgia opens her arms when I get up and I run into them. I hug Giorgia so tight, while crying onto her sweater. "I'll get one". Victoria kissed my forehead, softly, before running downstairs to get me a test.

On the couch downstairs, I calmed down a bit. Giorgia made me a cup of warm tea, in my mug with little hearts, which I got from Ethan. "Davina?", Giorgia took me in her arms, like a big sister would do. I drank my tea, knowing my tongue would burn. "Have you any idea, when you guys forgot one". She asks and the memory comes back. "It was i-in Rotterdam, the e-eveing before you found out, but I-I took birth control". This is the only way this was possible to happen.

I mean of course we are not sure yet, but we have to know how and when it happened. "But I took it maybe too late". I said, shy, before I felt the tears gather up in my eyes again. "I don't want this Giorgia, if IT is true, I can't, I can't be a mom, it would ruin my whole carrier". Warm kisses where placed on my hair and Giorgia calmed me down again.

"I know, I know, and I'll always be there for you". She started singing the lines of our theme song we had together with Victoria. "You can count on me like 1...2...3 I'll be there". I listened to the soft singing in my ear, while focussing on one point, the price we won at Eurovision. "Cuz that's what friends are supposed to do oh yeah", Giorgia continued and I heard the front door opening, before Vic stepped in, with a test, that would probably ruin my life.

The test I took lays upside down on the desk and I cry in Victoria her chest. I have no idea how much I cried today, but the tears just keep coming. "I can't be a mom, I can't be a mom", I keep repeating that sentence, while sobbing. "Calm down Davina, please, it will be fine". "No it won't", I snap at Victoria. "I'm sorry Vic, I-I just, I m-mean what i-if I'm y-you know", I'm so scared to say the word. Meanwhile, Giorgia sits on the couch, also panicking.

With the slowest movements I turn around the white with pink test on the desk, after Giorgia told me it was time to look at it. Before my hand touches the test Victoria turns me around, "Davina Bianchi, if it is what we think it is. You have to tell Ethan immediately after he got home, than you can figure out together what you want to do with it". Nodding I smile nervously at Victoria, while my hand starts moving towards the test again. Victoria leans over my shoulder and Giorgia let me squeeze in her hand.

The fact that my two best friends are here makes me feel a little less scared, I just coudn't have done it without them. My heart falls ten miles downstairs when my eyes scan the test. There grows a baby in my. We say nothing, I stare towards the test, while Giorgia and Victoria try to hold theirs sobs. "Come here", Victoria her words break me, and I let it go, all the tears, I let it all go. The bassist closes me in her arms and lets me cry in her neck.

"I want Ethan, I need him now", I sob hard in Victoria her neck. But my words give a sign to Giorgia, who searches for her phone immediately. The converstation between my bestfriend and boyfriend is impossible to follow, since the noises of my sobs are load. "He is on his way". "D-did you t-tell him?". Hopefull I look at Giorgia, hoping she told it. But she shakes no with her head. "You should do that".

*Davina posts a picture of her middle finger*

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Davinabianchi: : (

Comments: 943


Ethaneskin: Davina! What is going on?

Davinabianchi: ethaneskin :/

Ethaneskin: davinabianchi damn baby, tell me


Thomasraggi__: don't be so rude bitch

Thomasraggi__: I'm waiting for a rude comment in return from you

Thomasraggi__: davinabianchi???!!!!

Davinabianchi: thomasraggi__ : (


Giorgiasoleri_: we love you girl

Vicdeangelis: giorgiasoleri_ yea we do <333333

Davinabianchi: vicdeangelis giorgiasoleri_ <3

oepssssssssssssssssss (2 part left and I hate that this story was so short)

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