𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 「 neɯ rules 」

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I'll never forget you
You'll always be by my side
From the day that I met you
I knew that I would love you 'til the day I die

Never Forget You – Zara Larson, MNEK


The others are still angry, I think. They didn't talked to us, and I hated the fact how they found out about Ethan and me. A little light in the darkness was the fact that we got overwhelmed with love at the airport when we arrived in Rome after Eurovision. There were so many people waiting for us, making pictures and asking questions. Whole Italy was happy, since we haven't won since 1990.

I went to my room, immediately after we got home. Not saying anything to them, since I was mad, on myself. We just should have told them immediately. Tears roll over my cheek, and I sob in my pillow. "Dav, can I come in?", I recognized Giorgia her voice and she came in my room. As soon as she saw me crying she gave me a hug, making me cry even harder.

"I'm sorry Gio, that I didn't tell it sooner". She wiped my tears away. "Don't be, you were scared, that something like this would happen, that's normal". "We really were about to tell you guys, but than Vic found out earlier". I sobbed again and stopped crying, looking at my lap. "It's okay, give them some time. This was also a shock for them". She grabbed my hand, and giving me a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you Gio", I whispered. She smiled, before she walked away. "Can you maybe ask if Ethan wants to come upstairs".

Giorgia nodded and closed my door. I hid my face in my pillow, waiting for Ethan to come. I look at my room. My guitars stand in a straight row next to each other, I grabbed my mint-green one and played a few notes of 'le parole lontane'. Playing my guitar helps me calming down and clearing my mind. I stopped playing when Ethan stepped in. "No no continue, it sounds amazing". Blushing I continued, and Ethan sat down next me.

"Are you doing a bit okay", he aksed after I laid my guitar away. "We just got caught by our best friends, while we kept it as a secret for more than a month, but yea I'm totally fine". I chuckled, while I laid my head on his lap, while he made a braid in my hair. "I'm sorry", he said, awkwardly blushing. The braid looks like nothing, "don't be".

"Davina, I love you", he said we were quiet for minutes, my heart made a little jump. He never said that before. Hopefull he looked in my eyes, also a little insecure. I got up and pressed my lips on his. "I love you too, Torchio". My words made him grin, pulling his arms around my waist, so I was barely able to breathe. "Let's go talk to the others belladonna". He lifted me, walking to the door, while I kissed his cheekbone. I felt all emotions existing coming up in my body, right now, when Ethan was holding me, and let me kiss him, I feel hapiness and love.

But every step Ethan takes off the stairs, makes me feel more nervous every step. "Can we talk to you guys". Thomas was playing on his PlayStation, Victoria is reading and Damiano is playing with the cats Legolas and Bidet. Giorgia smiles at me, but the others still ignore me. Ethan sits down on the couch, "Guys please, come here". Thomas and Damiano sit down and I take the little dog Chili of the ground, putting her on my lap.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm so sorry", I squeezed into a pillow to not start sobbing again. Everyone stays quiet, until Giorgia says something. "Guys don't be so fucking selfish, this was the reason why they kept this a secret, because of this reaction. Don't you think they deserve some support", Giorgia took my hand and I smile at her giving her a 'thank you' look. For seconds a silence hangs in the room. "Okay, I'm gone". I take my coat of a chair, walking in a quick tempo towards the door. "Dav, please". I hear Ethan yell, but I ignore.

It's never cold in Rome, but now it feels like a real winter. On the bench next to our house I sit, looking at the sky. While the dog Chili is sleeping on my lap. My eyes closed and I breathe in the fresh air. The door opened and Victoria came out. "Go away, I said sorry a thousand times", I snapped, giving her a deadly look. "I'm sorry Davina", she said, as she sat down next to me. "I know you don't wanna listen to me, but let me explain", she stopped, taking my hand. "When I heard what you said to Ethan, it was such a big shock for me. I didn't know what to do. So I got angry". "And I get why you were angry, we had a rule and we broke it".

I'm so relieved Victoria and I are okay. When we step in back into the living room, I got overwhelmed with hugs from Thomas and Damiano. "I'm sorry bestie, so so sorry", Thomas places a kiss on my cheek and I hug him back. "And you know we love you, no matter what", Damiano hugs me tight. "Thank you guys", I giggle, wiping tears of happiness away. "Don't cry girl", Damiano wipes my other tears away, making me giggle.

"We have to make new rules", Damiano says when Ethan kisses me on my cheek. Damiano made diner and we all sit around the table. It felt like the last time we had diner together was ages ago. "We are still a band, and we need to work, serious". He stops, taking a bite from his sausage. "You guys are not getting distracted by each other, and you are only allowed to make love in your own rooms, not here". He said, and it made everyone chuckle. "Damiano is right, no love here", Victoria said, putting Chili between Ethan and me.  


I wish I had friends like this

𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 - 𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now