𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 「 I just ɯαnt to be чours 」

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                                       Nobody knows you the way that I know you

                                          Look in my eyes I will never desert you

And just say the word

We'll take on the world

Take on the world - You Me at Six


D A V I N A:

We have our first official interview for Eurovision, which is also our very first interview in English. I know how nervous Ethan and Thomas are, since they don't speak English very well. Damiano and Victoria, on the other hand, speak English very well for Italians. We all dress almost the same. Black leather pants, with all different lace tops. Nikki and I have been talking for a while, and she is so nice. Now we wait to get started. Thomas rests his head on my shoulder, trying not to fall asleep. The days are long and we are all tired.

"Can I talk to you for a second", Ethan whispers in my ear and without the other noticing something we walk towards the toilets. Thomas fell asleep, but that's okay, we'll wake him in a few minutes. Ethan locks the toilet door and wraps his arms around me. "I hate keeping this a secret", he says, placing little kisses on my forehead. I look at the necklace made of pearls around his neck. "Me too, and we'll tell them soon".

Telling them about what's going on between Ethan and me is going to be the hardest thing, since I know they won't like it. But Ethan is right, I hate it too keeping this a secret. He breathes in my hair and I cuddle onto his warm chest. "We should go back", I say, not making a movement. "Let's go". He opens the door, letting us both out.

"A little bit of a personal question, are there ones of you with a relationship", Nikki asks. Until now the interview went so great. I said a few things and I think my English is pretty good. I look at Ethan, who is looking at me for a tiny second. Damiano and Giorgia are open about their relationship, they want the whole world to know how much they love each other. So he is the only one who says something, blushing. "Yes, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Giorgia".

"Mwah that is very cute". Damiano blushes harder by what Nikki says. Right now the only thing I want to scream is that Ethan and I also have a thing. We actually never made it official, which isn't weird because it still was the biggest secret we kept from our friends.

"Okay the last one, would you like to learn something in Dutch". Everyone chuckled, since we know, Dutch is a hard language. "Yes sure", Ethan said, which was the first thing he said while this interview. "Maybe Zitti E Buoni?", the way Nikki pronounced our song name made me giggle. Everyone nodded. "Okay repeat after me, Hou", I listened very clear but the first word was already abracadabra for me. "Hou", we repeated. "Je", she said. "Je". She nodded like we did it right. "Mond". "Mond", it probably sounds so funny for Dutch people. "En gedraag". Damiano, Victoria and I repeated, bad but we did, "En gedraag". Behind me I heard Thomas and Ethan chuckle. "What?!", which made Nikki laugh.

Back in the hotel, we saw that out stylist with our clothes for the performance was arrived. Mitchell and us together made the most beautiful outfits for the finals. All related and made with the same material, but the shape was different. "Can we try it on", like little kids we were running around our clothes, wanting to try them on. But Mitchell had other plans, and heavily nodded no with his head. "No guys, they are not ready yet, and since I know you, you would destroy them within a minute". I jumped on the couch in Victoria her room, while everyone sat down disappointed, making Mitchell laugh.

Victoria had taken her third bass guitar to her room. I don't play bass, it's so much harder than guitar, so I mess with it a bit. While Victoria looks at me like I'm crazy. "Bass really isn't much harder than guitar". I roll my eyes and Victoria takes her beige colored bass from my hands and plays a part of 'Zitti E Buoni'. "Yes you only say that because you play both instruments, I only play guitar".

As much as I regret that I don't play bass guitar, I don't have time to learn it anyway. And besides, I can play the drums, which Victoria can't. Not as good as Ethan, of course, but I practice a lot when he's not around. Ethan is very attached to his drums so don't let anyone on them.

"Vic I'm going to my room, I'm tired", I yawn and get off the couch. The boys are smoking on Victoria her balcony and I kiss her cheek. "Goodnight". She smiles, "goodnight". I yell towards the balcony, "goodnight guys". Ethan turns around, "I'm coming later, I won't wake you", he winks, and I smile back, opening the door to the hall.

My sister is the only one who knows about me and Ethan. She moved to the UK with her boyfriend a year ago, for her work. I talk to her over the phone almost every day. She doesn't know my band very well, I mean they also grew up together, but since middle school they never talked again. She doesn't speak to them so she will never tell them about Ethan and me. I tell her everything and I just wish that she would move back to Rome, since she is my only family member who understand me, and loves me for what I do and who I am. My phone buzzed. It's Lydia. Isn't that scary. I was just thinking about her and now she texts me.

"Hi Dav, how was the interview, was you English a bit okay? ;)".

"Yea I think it went okay, how was your day?"

"My day was bored, tell me about yours please I need distraction"


"Steve and I had a fight, he came home drunk while he promised me to stop drinking"

Steve and Lydia are the best couple I know, but the last time he comes home drunk very often. At least that is what Lydia tells me.

"What a jerk! I would give him a slap on his cheek."

"HAHAHAHAHAH maybe I will, how is it with your guy? ;p"

"He is not my boyfriend, not yet"

"AWHHH I love you guys together".

She makes me chuckle, when I hear the door opening and Ethan his face looking towards me.  


bad part I'm sorry 

𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 - 𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now