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Credits to Pix0507 on Twitter (they drew this cover for me :D)


Dream's POV

I sat behind my PC in a pretty dark room. I had been editing my last recorded video for hours now, but I was almost done. I was so focused on the screen in front of me that I didn't even remember George being in the VC too. He had been quiet for a while which caused me to forget.

I chuckled as I rewatched a part of the video. I used to laugh or grin a lot at funny parts, I had fun editing those parts. I edited it with the music and the right cuts and I smiled since it made me proud how it turned out. I sighed after that and edited the last bit of the video.

Eventually, I finished editing and sat back as I started watching the video to make sure I didn't leave in parts I didn't like or that weren't supposed to be there. It turned out great and I finished watching the video half an hour later, leaning back with a loud sigh.

'Are you finally done?' George asked with a slightly annoyed but not seriously annoyed voice.

I was startled by his voice and nodded even though he couldn't see that. 'I'm sorry. I'm done, yeah. I really like how it turned out. Anyway, I forgot you were still here.'

'You didn't even notice me leaving for an hour, dumbass,' George scoffed in a jokingly way. 'I went to get food and laid on my bed for ages.'

'Whatever. I'm going to get some food.' I stood up with my phone and shortly scrolled through Twitter as I went to the kitchen. There wasn't much to see, so I went to my DMs.

I used to scroll through them, but I had so many that I couldn't keep up with them anymore. I didn't usually reply, I very rarely replied to someone who popped up and caught my attention.

I continued scrolling as I grabbed some bread to make myself a sandwich. I put the sandwich together and laughed at some messages I noticed as I saw another one pop up.

@ anyone123987
LOL, I know where you are, ugly mf

I rolled my eyes and turned my phone off. People always thought they were really funny while I just found it dumb when people said those things. It didn't bother me at all, I couldn't care less about the stupid messages. They just needed attention which I wasn't going to give to them.

I slid my phone in my pocket and focused while making the sandwich. When I was done, I walked back upstairs while I ate some of it and sat back on my chair. I noticed someone else joined the VC since I heard a screaming voice without my headset on.

I put it on and heard Sapnap and George scream at each other like they usually did. I just listened as I ate the sandwich and waited for them to notice I was unmuted.

'THAT'S MINE! GIVE IT BACK!' Sapnap screamed hysterically.

George started laughing uncontrollably and I figured they were running from each other on a Minecraft server.

'Dude! You're so annoying, I'm actually just not going to let you ever come to America. I'm chilling here with Dream.'

'You're so dumb,' George chuckled. 'I'm not giving it back to you!'

'Idiot!' Sapnap screamed as loudly as he could.

'What the hell are you doing?' I added into their conversation. 'I came back from making a sandwich and you are over here screaming about something dumb.'

'It's not dumb! He stole my diamonds,' Sapnap defended.

'Diamonds,' I repeated. 'Is that actually what all this screaming was about?'

'Are you not going to help me? Tell George to give me my diamonds back,' Sapnap shouted.

'He's never going to tell you that! He agrees with me anyway,' George replied. 'He's a simp, come on. You should know this by now.'

'So dumb,' Sapnap scoffed.

'I didn't even say anything,' I laughed. 'You're both dumb and Sapnap, just get new diamonds.'

'But he stole them! My goodness, this is upsetting,' Sapnap sighed. 'It's always the same.'

'It's just diamonds,' I grinned. 'And a game. Anyway, I'm posting my video tomorrow. Do you want to look at the comments together?'

'Sure,' George answered. 'I might be asleep.'

I nodded slowly, knowing they couldn't see that and then finished my sandwich shortly after that. I stood up to lay down on my bed for a bit while Sapnap and George kept arguing with each other.

I started scrolling through TikTok and looked through my videos, then to my DMs. I frowned when I noticed the exact same name tag with the same message in my recent DMs. That must have been someone who was really obsessed with me. Unfortunately, there were a lot of those "fans" who were considered haters.

I ignored the message and looked at some more videos, hearing Sapnap and George still scream at each other in the background.

'Dude, why are you still arguing?' I sighed.

'HE'S LOSING! HE'S SUCH AN IDIOT,' George yelled as he laughed loudly. 'I'M BETTER IDIOT, YOU SUCK. GET BETTER!'

'YOU'RE CHEATING!' Sapnap screamed back.

'You're so dumb, both of you,' I laughed. 'Can you also just talk normally to each other for once? This is going to be hell when George gets here too. There's just going to be constant arguments that I have to solve. I'm telling you now, I won't solve them.'

They didn't even listen to me because of their screaming.

'Anyway, I'm going to take a nap. I'm exhausted after editing all night. Bye.'

They were too busy arguing so I left the call and put my headset down on my desk. I laid back in my bed and closed my eyes to fall asleep after an exhausting day.

It didn't take me too long to fall asleep, still ignoring the messages I got. I had no idea that these messages were the start of something worse than I could have even imagined in my worst nightmares.

1013 words

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