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-Panic attack

Dream's POV

George and I both woke up around afternoon and had lunch with all of us together. Sapnap made me my favourite sandwich and I enjoyed eating it until Sapnap looked at me.

'Oh, yeah. I forgot, there's a letter for you,' he suddenly smiled. 'Probably for your birthday.'

I nodded, not thinking anything weird of it so far. I waited for Sapnap to get the letter after he stood up and he handed it to me right after that.

I opened it while Sapnap and George were arguing about a random game and I read the short message that I thought would be for my birthday.

Do you still not believe me of are you starting to realise I have more power than you'll ever have? I know your address, your phone number too :) it won't take long before I know your passwords, say goodbye to your YouTube channel :D

Anyway, maybe I'll visit you soon :) just for your birthday, right? Bye Dream.

I stared in front of me in shock and held my breath as I squeezed the letter in my hand, making it into a big ball. I stood up without saying anything, but with such an abrupt motion that my chair fell onto the floor and George and Sapnap stopped arguing.

They looked at me and frowned. 'Did you see a dead body, dude?' George joked as he looked me into my eyes.

'It's not funny,' I scoffed, turning around to walk off since I was so anxious. I ran up the stairs as I ripped the message apart and then turned my phone on to see fifty missed calls and more than hundred missed messages.

I couldn't deal with it anymore and felt tears fill my eyes. I tried to stop them from falling down but within a second, my cheeks were covered in tears. I started sobbing softly as I laid on my bed, scrolling through the hundreds of hate messages.

I sat up and stared outside of the window, looking back at my phone as another message popped up, this time it included a picture. I clicked it and felt my chest get really tight as I read the message.

Crying too now? Such a pussy :)

I closed the windows since it included a picture of me crying on my bed. I turned off the light in my room and hid myself under my sheets as tears streamed down my face, covering my pillow. I sniffed as I started shaking heavily.

⚠️ Panic attack

I tried to stay calm, but I heard my wheezy breathing get louder. I was really breathless now and suddenly felt my hearing get worse. A high tone was annoying me and everything got blurry in front of me.

It seemed like I didn't know how to breathe anymore and I had a hiccup as I tried to inhale air. A squealing sound left my mouth as I tried to ask for help and in a reflex, I grabbed my phone and went to my chat with Bad.

⚠️ Over (no details anymore)

I clicked on the call button on Discord and heard the phone beep a few times, having Bad pick it up. 'Hi! What's up?' he asked, waiting for me to talk. I wheezed again because I had no air and breathed very quickly after that.

'Oh goodness, you're hyperventilating. Is someone near you who you want to ask to come to you? Can you make a sound if yes?'

I didn't make a sound since I was ashamed of myself and I didn't want George and Sapnap to see me cry. George had trouble copying with emotions and Sapnap would help, but I still found it weird what happened the last few days. What if he was actually the one who pranked me?

'Okay, I think that's a no. Alright, look around you, okay? Can you try to breathe as calmly as you can and tell me what the first thing you see is?' he explained with a calming voice. 'I promise you that it's okay, can you tell me what you see?'

'D-d-desk,' I managed to say, hitching a breath after that. I couldn't stop thinking about the picture and eventually started crying even louder while Bad tried to calm me down.

'Alright, Dream. I promise you now that's it's going to be alright. Try to rethink your thoughts, okay? Do you think you're going to pass out or anything?'

I mumbled something which he understood as a yes. I couldn't talk because of my heavy breathing and my tight chest.

'You're having a panic attack. They feel awful, but I promise you that you're not going to die. Sometimes it feels like this is the end, but that's what a panic attack is. The panic attack won't last long and you're going to feel way better after a few minutes. Keep focusing on fun things! Didn't George go to America? And it's your birthday!'

I smiled shortly because it made me happy that he was being this kind to me.

'I texted you for your birthday, but you didn't reply yet. I knew of the surprise and I was so happy for you! I wish I could have been there with you too, but we can call and text too. I'm just so happy you finally got to meet George.'

Without me noticing it, I started breathing slower and had the smile on my face get bigger the more good things he bought up. I sniffed softly and wiped my tears away as Bad was quiet for a little.

'You're doing great! You're calmer again,' he yelled. I could hear him smiling through his voice and I sighed softly.

'Thanks, Bad. This means the world to me,' I thanked him. 'Sorry, this was really random. It was just-.'

'You don't need to explain anything to me,' Bad interrupted me. 'Unless you want to talk about it, then you can obviously tell me what's up.'

'I'd rather not if I'm honest. Thank you a lot. I hope I didn't bother you.'

'You didn't at all,' Bad answered. 'Before you go. I sent you a present through the mail, but it's taking a bit longer. I think it will arrive tomorrow.'

'How did you get my address?' I yelled out, feeling paranoid again.

'Oh, I asked Sapnap so I could surprise you!' he replied. 'I'm not stalking you, I'm sorry if that sounded weird.'

I smiled and took a deep breath. 'Thanks, Bad. I'm going to go now.'

'Bye, stay safe.'

I hung up and laid down on my bed as I stared at my ceiling, turning my phone off again. I didn't want to be close to all the misery going on right now.

1130 words

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