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-Panic attack

Dream's POV

⚠️ Panic attack

There was more anxiety in my body than ever before and I was continuously shaking without being able to stop it. My arms, legs and basically my whole body was shaking so badly that I couldn't even hold anything nor stand on my feet. I felt numb from the pain inside and poked my nails into my skin to remain calm.

It didn't have the effect I hoped it did and I breathed loudly, squeezing my hands together as my phone went off again. The endless class made me feel hopeless till the point I wanted to throw my phone out of the window and leave this all behind me.

My vision got completely blurry in front of me, I felt very lightheaded and was afraid I would pass out. I was so afraid that I crawled to the door of my room, opening it slowly to make soft noises in the hope Sapnap or George would hear me.

'H-help,' I tried to scream with a hoarse and trembling voice. 'A-anyone?'

⚠️ Over (no more details)

'Dream?' I heard someone ask if the door upstairs opened. I knew this was George and I reached out my hand to him. 'What's wrong?'

He walked up to me and tried to lift me up as I laid down in a ball shape on the floor. He eventually made me sit up and sat down next to me, unknowing of what he should say. He played with his fingers for a while and cleared his throat.

'What's going on?' he mumbled awkwardly. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and then hesitantly wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I rested my head on his shoulder as I cried and saw my tears fall down onto George's hoodie.

He didn't mind and slowly rubbed my shoulder as I heard my phone buzz again. George was unaware of the fact why it was going off and stood up to grab it for me, sitting back down in the same position as we just sat.

I looked at my phone and laid it down as I saw I got a call and George glanced at it too, then looked at me. 'Is it important?' he asked as I got four texts after the call.

I shrugged as I tried to stay calm and George grabbed my phone to make sure it wasn't important. He turned really quiet after reading the texts and then looked back at me while the messages kept coming.

'Dream, are you getting threatened?' he questioned. 'Can I see?'

I nodded slowly and George clicked the messages, scrolling through all of them. I clicked back and showed him all the different numbers who spammed me which caused him to gasp quietly.

'Did your number get leaked?' He laid my phone down as I got another call and I shook my head.

'It's all the same person,' I whispered as George grabbed my phone and accepted the call to listen to what the person had to say. I could just hear it too and listened with George.

'Hello George, I know this isn't Dream who is on the phone right now. Anyway, just wanted to say that it makes me happy when you cry so much,' the voice chuckled with a scary voice filter.

George's eyes got big and he ended the call immediately. 'What the hell? How do they know it was me?' George stumbled as he jumped up to run to my window. 'Could he have seen us?'

I shrugged. I was numbed and paralysed by fear and grabbed my phone as I saw a picture come in. I looked at George who came back and he looked at the screen that showed a picture of us sitting on the floor together just a minute ago.

'I do not like this,' George mumbled. 'This is scary as hell. How long is this going on now?'

'I don't even know anymore, a week?'

'Dude, why didn't you go to the police?' he asked as he closed all the curtains.

'Because I googled it and the police doesn't do anything with stalking cases because they don't have enough proof of who is doing this. They will only help me when I'm dead, but then it's too late.'

'Dream...' George started. 'Do you have any idea who is doing this shit?'

'George, I know it sounds like I'm a psychopath and the worst friend there is, but I can't stop thinking about Sapnap.'

'Sapnap?' George repeated as he immediately closed my door after that. 'Why?'

'How would this person know everything I do? How do they know our names? How do they know my number, my private email, even all my private Twitter accounts and my address?'

'It needs to be someone who knows you really well or has access to your PC,' George confirmed after what I said. 'Sapnap. No, there's no way he'd do something like this. And with the car? He was inside with me.'

'I don't know anymore, he could have hired someone. I'm just paranoid, alright? I'm sorry for suspecting my best friends, but that's what stalking does with you.'

'Did you suspect me too then?' George asked.

I shrugged. 'It crossed my mind, but I don't think so. Unless this is a stupid prank from both of you, but you're the worst liar in the world and I can hear when you're lying in a call already, so definitely in real life.'

George rolled his eyes and sat down on the side of my bed. I sat down too and sighed softly. 'But if it's not Sapnap...' I started. 'Then there's an actual psychopath out there who is trying to hurt me.'

'I want it to be Sapnap now,' George admitted in a quiet voice. 'Do you have an argument with someone? It can't be a hater, right? It needs to be someone who is close to you. Maybe a friends you argued with? Who did you give your number too?'

'My family has my number. Next to them, some of my friends.'

'Who? Which friends?'

'You, Sapnap, Bad... I'm not sure. I think that's it actually.'

'Well, Bad would never do something like this, I think that's obvious. I'm not doing this either because I literally just took the call and then there's either your family or Sapnap.'

'My family? They wouldn't do something like this.'

'Yeah, but Sapnap wouldn't either!' George shouted. 'I don't know Dream, but we have to look realistically here. The only people who have your number or have access to your PC are Sapnap or your family members. Did someone visit you lately?'

'A lot of people visited me for my birthday a week ago since they were in the area.'


'My parents, my sisters, my brother and I don't remember the rest.'

'Did someone go into your room?'

'Not that I know of,' I whispered.

George sighed. 'Alright, that's fine. Let's just be aware around Sapnap and don't send personal things to your family for a little.'

'Okay,' I mumbled quietly.

1188 words

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