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-Throwing up (concussion)

Dream's POV

I sat in silence as George called Sapnap. We were both really scared since I knew he would get really mad at us. I was still holding a napkin against George's head since it was bleeding a lot.

Sapnap accepted the call and George handed me the phone since he wasn't feeling well.

'George? What's up?' Sapnap asked as soon as he heard a sound.

'It's Dream. We are in trouble and I know you're going to hate us. I crashed your car, George's head is bleeding a lot and I think we need to go to the hospital.'

'Dude! You crashed my car? What the hell is wrong with you? I understand that you're a millionaire, but that doesn't mean you can be so dumb and reckless as you are.'

'Idiot, there are more important things than this stupid car of yours, okay? George needs to go to the hospital and we don't have a dumb car!'

'Can you not drive with it at all?' he questioned with a sad voice. 'Dude, I liked my car.'

'Yeah and I really care about George so I would like to get him to the hospital now. I'll buy you a new car, but George needs to go right now.'

'Are you far away? Are you okay?'

'My back really hurts. I can try to drive back home, but I'm not sure how we are going to drive to the hospital with this car.'

'We will figure something out,' Sapnap sighed. 'Are you far?'

'Not too far, I'm not sure where we are.'

'Share your location, please. I'm going to you. You need to be careful because you might have broken or bruised something. You need to take care. I'm cycling to you if you send me your location.'

I didn't think about it and went to George's and his chat, sending him the location we were right now. He hung up and left the house as I looked back at George. He was leaning back and had his eyes closed as I removed the blood soaked napkin from his forehead, grabbing a new one.

'Are you okay?' I whispered as I softly pushed it on his skin again. He mumbled something and slowly opened his eyes.

'My head hurts,' he mumbled with a soft and fragile voice. 'A lot.'

'What did you hit it against?'

He shrugged and curled up as I unfastened my seatbelt to sit closer to George. He had a lot of pain which I noticed because he was extremely quiet. He never used to be this quiet unless something was really wrong.

'George, can you look at me for a second? I'm not sure if you're alright?'

'The lights are too bright,' he mumbled, shaking his head. I immediately stopped him from shaking his head.

'Don't move too much, I don't want you to hurt yourself.' I unfastened his seatbelt too and carefully pulled him a bit closer to me. He whined softly. 'What's hurting?'

'My back and my ribs,' he whispered.

'It's going to be okay,' I smiled. 'I promise, okay? We are going to bring you to the hospital.'

'What even happened?' he asked. 'I don't remember.'

'You might have a concussion,' I stated concernedly.

'I'm nauseous, Dream,' he whispered. 'I don't want to open my eyes because the lights are so bright and I feel dizzy. I'm going to throw up.'

I looked around me and saw a plastic bag in the back of Sapnap's car. I grabbed it and gave it to George. He leaned forwards a tiny bit and stared at it after opening his eyes shortly.

I reached out to hold his hand since he looked scared and he sniffed softly, letting out a very soft and fragile sob. 'Pain,' he whispered.

'It's okay, you're going to be okay. We are going to the hospital very soon. I think we might call an ambulance for you, okay?'

⚠️ Throwing up

He sobbed again and suddenly gagged, grasping onto my hand. He started squeezing it as he threw up and hitched a breath. I wiped some hair out of his face and he sobbed again, leaning his head against the car door.

⚠️ Over

I grabbed the plastic bag and looked if there was anything else for him. I didn't see anything and wanted to get out of the car as I saw Sapnap coming closer. He immediately opened the door and looked at the bag.

'Ew, that's disgusting,' he scoffed. 'Give it to me, I'll throw it out. Who threw up? George?'

'Yeah, he's not feeling good.'

Sapnap nodded and grabbed the bag, running off to throw it into a bin. He ignored the damage that the car had and carefully opened George's door.

'Dream, are you able to help or do you have pain?'

'Let me walk,' I answered as I slowly stood up. I had pain in my back, but it wasn't bad. I slowly walked to Sapnap and helped him lift George out of the car. His face was red from the blood that came down from his wound and Sapnap decided to keep him in the car.

'I'm calling an ambulance,' he yelled as George seemed really unconscious. He sometimes made a soft sound from the pain, but didn't open his eyes anymore.

Sapnap called an ambulance and hung up after a while of talking, grabbing another napkin. He gently moved it over George's face to get the blood away and then pointed to the cut. 'It's really bruised too. What did he hit his head against?'

'I don't know, he shot forwards,' I replied as George sobbed softly when Sapnap apparently hurt him. He was not feeling okay at all and lifted his hands.

'H-help,' he stumbled.

Sapnap and I lifted him up carefully and he leaned outside, throwing up again. Sapnap just managed to jump to the side and grabbed a bottle of water, letting George drink a bit.

'It's going to be okay,' Sapnap smiled as he knelt down in front of George. George looked at him very shortly and sniffed softly. Sapnap wiped some blood away and grabbed a new napkin to hold on the wound as George suddenly breathed quickly, sobbing again.

'The ambulance is here soon, George. Keep fighting, okay? Stay strong,' I comforted him as I held his hand. He didn't move but mumbled softly, waiting for the ambulance to save us.

1073 words

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