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Dream's POV

I sat with Sapnap at the table for breakfast and turned my phone on after I had it turned off for the whole night. I stared at the Apple logo on the screen and waited for it to turn on. Sapnap was just eating as my phone started buzzing thousands of times.

Sapnap looked up after the twentieth ping filled the room and frowned at me. 'What the hell is going on? Why is it still going?'

My phone kept buzzing and the messages came in so quickly that I couldn't even read them.

'Did your number get leaked?' he yelled as he looked at my phone.

I swallowed my tears away as I noticed it was all from the same number. I didn't recognise this number since I blocked the last one, but it was obvious this was the same person as the last one. I recognised their way of texting really well.

'It's nothing,' I mumbled, looking at my phone that was still going. I saw the meanest and most threatening messages and eventually Sapnap grabbed my phone.

'I know where you are, do you want me to visit you?' he read, looking at me. 'Who is this guy?'

'Just someone who is doing a dumb prank,' I answered as I turned my phone off again.

Sapnap looked confused. 'That's not funny. Those things are pretty mean if you ask me.'

I shrugged. 'It's fine. It's not a big deal,' I lied.

'You've been pretty paranoid lately, why is that then?'

'It's just my birthday tomorrow,' I made up. 'I imagined it to be with George too, but he's not here. I never cared much about my birthday, but I just planned to have a bigger party this year with George here too.'

'We are going to have a big party and we will call George, alright?' Sapnap smiled.

'Alright,' I mumbled.

'I got that cake for you and I have a present!' he exclaimed, standing up. 'I can't tell you what it is, but I promise that it's going to be epic.'

I smiled. 'I don't mind that much, I'll be able to deal with it.'

Sapnap had a big smile on his face. 'Dude, I promise you. You'll never forget this birthday.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Fine, idiot.'

~ The Next Day ~

I woke up, realising it was my birthday. I had an anxious feeling when I sat up. My phone was still turned off and I didn't turn it on after Sapnap noticed the spam messages I got. I didn't want to turn it on either, but I really wanted to text George for my birthday.

I decided to let it rest for a little bit and I took a short shower, putting on my favourite clothes. I didn't care about my birthday, but it was my first birthday with Sapnap and I wanted to celebrate it a tiny bit more than I usually did.

I went down the stairs and walked into the living room, seeing Sapnap run to me with a smile. He gave me a tight hug.

'Congratulations! You're so old now,' he grinned, grabbing my hand. 'Come, do you want me to cook you something for breakfast or do you want cake?'

'Cake,' I answered with a smile.

He nodded and opened the fridge. He grabbed a plate and cut a big piece from the vanilla cake, putting it on the plate. He grabbed something else and put a few candles on the cake, lighting them as he smiled.

'There! Come on, blow the candles out and make a wish,' he chuckled. 'Don't judge me, we are celebrating.'

I grinned and blew them all out, taking a bite of the cake since I was hungry.

'What's your wish?' Sapnap yelled. 'Tell me, idiot!'

'I wished that George could come to America too,' I admitted.

'Well, turn around,' Sapnap suddenly laughed.

My heart skipped a beat and I turned around as my face flushed red because of sudden nerves throughout all my body. Nothing happened at first and then the door opened and I suddenly saw George's dark brown hair, his dark brown eyes and his black hoodie.

I screamed from happiness and ran up to him, giving him a really tight hug. George hugged me back and giggled as we broke the hug.

'Oh my goodness, you're finally here!' I yelled out. 'I've been waiting for ages to meet you.'

George rolled his eyes jokingly and smiled. 'I'm here, idiot. Happy birthday.'

I couldn't stop smiling and looked back to Sapnap. 'You didn't tell me anything about this?'

'This was your birthday present, obviously I'm not telling you,' he laughed. 'The cake was already ruined.'

I rolled my eyes and then looked back at George. 'Oh gosh, I'm so happy that you're here. We should make up the beds in the spare room. How long are you staying for?'

'One to two months,' George answered. 'I didn't get my VISA yet, but I just really wanted to come now and be here for your birthday and just in general.'

'I'm so excited,' I yelled. I ran to the door to go upstairs and see the spare room. I hadn't been there in months and ran in, seeing that Sapnap made the bed already.

'You have planned this for ages!' I shouted as they went after me.

They both just laughed like two idiots and I rolled my eyes. George went back downstairs and walked to the downstairs bathroom. 'I put all my stuff in here to hide.'

I helped him get his stuff upstairs while I didn't get the smile off my face anymore. I was really happy George was here and forgot about the problems around me. As long as I kept my phone off for now and focused on George being here with us, I would forget about what was happening.

I talked with George and Sapnap for ages and they celebrated my birthday with me. I got another sandwich next to my cake and George went to sleep since he was really jet lagged from the plane.

I didn't turn my phone on even though I wanted to and then went to sleep too to avoid the anxious feeling for now.

1044 words

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