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Dream's POV

It was midnight when I suddenly shot up in my bed. I looked around me since I heard a loud buzzing noise and squeezed my eyes shortly as I grabbed my phone, seeing a random number call me.

I was so tired that I just let it buzz for a while, then closed my eyes again quietly. My phone stopped making noise after a short while and since I was so tired, I immediately fell back asleep.


I woke up early the next morning and yawned as I stood up, going to the bathroom to take a shower. Before I went there, I noticed I got spammed by the same person as yesterday and apparently I got called three more times after I fell asleep.

I opened the chat and read all of the threatening and stupid messages, rolling my eyes. I forgot to block their Discord apparently and quickly did that now, going to the bathroom after grabbing some clothes and a towel.

I laid my phone down on the sink and turned the shower on as I undressed myself and then stepped inside after waiting for the shower to fully heat up. I stood under the shower head and looked up, feeling a bit stressed after I got called too.

Would it have been the same person as the one who texted me everywhere? How would they have my number? It was probably a random guy who called to ask questions about some workplace I didn't even know about.

I showered shortly and stepped outside again, drying myself off. I pulled on my clothes as I heard my phone buzz loudly. Annoyedly, I grabbed it and brought it up to my ear while I brushed my hand through my hair.

'What do you want?' I sighed bluntly.

'How was your visit to the store yesterday?' a creepy, quiet and obvious fake voice chuckled.

My face flushed red and I leaned back against the wall. 'What?'

'The messages weren't just a joke, Dream,' the voice grinned. 'And I told you that the first time, but since you didn't believe me, I'll tell you again.'

I immediately hung up with a paranoid feeling and hitched a breath as I laid my phone down with a loud noise. The noise I made myself even startled me and I panicked so much that I ran away from the bathroom. I opened the curtains and looked around the street to see if someone was looking at me.

I had such an anxious feeling inside of my body and closed the curtains again, laying down on my bed with a tight chest. How did this guy get all my socials and my number? It had to be someone I knew, right? Was this just a stupid prank from George or someone?

I got angry without a reason and went to George's and my chat.

Don't call me at night idiot

He didn't read the message immediately and I laid my phone away as I heard it buzz again.


Never mind, sorry

I sighed. It was ridiculous to randomly blame George for this. He didn't do anything wrong, this was just a stupid prank from someone else. George had no reason to do this to me, just like any of my other best friends.

I started staring at my ceiling and took deep breaths to calm down again. It was nothing, it was all just a prank. But then how did he know I went to the store? It couldn't even have been George, he wasn't here with us. Sapnap? Was Sapnap pranking me?

I decided to leave it for now and stood up slowly, going downstairs to eat breakfast. Sapnap was already sitting down at the table, eating his usual cereals for breakfast. He looked up at me and greeted me with a soft hum since his mouth was full.

'Hi,' I mumbled.

He swallowed his bite. 'Dude, do I need to prepare your stupid omelette again or are you not going to get the kitchen burnt down today?'

'Shut up,' I groaned, preparing myself a sandwich instead.

I sat down next to him and took a bite as the uneasy feeling overwhelmed me again. Would Sapnap actually prank me like this and scare me? He had access to my stuff, he could have added himself. He knew I went to the store, he had my number.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye and noticed he was focused on his phone. I glanced at his screen and noticed he was just scrolling through Instagram, liking George's picture. He went to the comments and placed a dumb comment with a grin.

He would never do such a dumb thing to me. He would be able to know this would make me anxious, right? Definitely while being a YouTuber with thousands of haters. What if a hater got my number? But how?

'Are you alive?' Sapnap chuckled as he waved his hand in front of my face. 'You're zoned out.'

'Oh, yeah,' I mumbled. 'I'm alright.' I ate my sandwich and finished it, sighing deeply.

Sapnap was already focused on his phone again and I stood up. He looked up slowly and frowned. 'Where are you going?'

'I'm going to- I don't know. Probably call George for a bit.'

Sapnap nodded and I walked up the stairs, just sitting in a VC after texting George to come online. He joined the VC a few minutes later with a scream and a weird noise, sighing after that.

'What do you want, Dream?'

'I just wanted to chill,' I answered quietly, looking down at my desk. I grabbed some nail clippers and started turning it around in my hands.

'What was that text about this morning?' George questioned as I heard him stand up to get something.

'Oh- nothing. Never mind, I was being an idiot,' I lied. 'It's nothing.'

'You're so dumb, why would I ever call you at night?' he laughed.

I ignored him and tapped my desk as he cleared his throat. 'I'm getting some food, I'll be right back.'

'Alright,' I mumbled as I stared at my screen. I was suddenly so anxious and the feeling wasn't leaving me anymore.

1045 words

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