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Dream's POV

I cried for hours while George and Sapnap tried to comfort me. My own brother was stalking me and ruining my life. My own brother ruined my career online.

Luckily he got arrested and I felt safer as I sat down on my bed alone. I was about to tweet as an idea came to mind, I could better stream with George and Sapnap.

I stood up and sped downstairs to see George lay down and Sapnap sit on a chair, doing something on his phone. They both looked at me as I came downstairs and Sapnap smiled.

'What's up?'

'I want to stream to explain everything to our viewers,' I mumbled. 'People are unfollowing me and it's not about how many subscribers I have, it's that people think I don't care about them and only about the money.'

'Yeah, I'd like to explain it to them too,' George nodded. 'But I look like shit with this bandage on my face.'

'I won't turn my face cam on anyway,' I answered. 'I just hope he didn't leak my face or anything like that yet. I haven't had the courage to look and I haven't turned my phone on either.'

Sapnap stuck out his hand and I gave him my phone. He turned it on and waited for the Apple logo to go away, nodding slowly as my phone lagged out and constantly buzzed.

'Most likely not your face, but definitely your phone number,' he answered. 'It's fine, we can get a new number and turn it off for now. He probably leaked George's number too.'

Sapnap went to Twitter on his phone and nodded. 'Yeah, your phone numbers are leaked. Okay, it's fine. We can handle this easily. Let's stream and then change your numbers somewhere.'

I nodded and we helped George get upstairs. We went to my room and I started my stream, seeing multiple people come in. Some people said hi since they didn't know what was going on, but the majority of the chat was spamming hurtful and mean comments while waiting for us to start talking.

'Hi guys. I know everyone must be mad at George and me most likely. I want to explain what happened since this tweet was not coming from George and me.'

The chat was still harsh and hurtful and I sighed so I wouldn't burst out into tears.

'I wasn't planning on telling anyone this on stream, but I have no other option. A few weeks back, I got strange texts. This escalated within days and suddenly I had a stalker. A stalker who knew everything about me, a stalker who knew my address, hung up cameras and microphones in my house and had my passwords by monitoring my phone.'

I had a shaky voice and sniffed softly, looking down at my hands to calm down. Sapnap wrapped his arm around my shoulders and smiled. 'I'll continue.'

I nodded softly as Sapnap spoke up. 'George and I are also here. Yes, we met up, but there was too much going on to talk about this. A few days or weeks after that, George got stalked too. Dream's car got damaged and he took my car to go somewhere, but the stalker bumped into them. George has a lot of injuries and Dream is luckily pretty okay after that.'

The chat spammed hearts now since the mods put it into emote only. I swallowed and sniffed again.

'The stalker hacked my phone and got all my passwords. They were the one typing the tweets from my and George's account including my phone number. Guys, you know I love you all so much. I'd never do this for the money or quit in such a way. I love my fans, I've spent hours defending you.'

My voice broke in the end and I stood up since I didn't want to cry on stream. I walked away as I heard Sapnap speak up again.

'Dream left for a little bit, it got a bit too much for him. Come on, guys. You all know Dream and George aren't like this, stop giving them hate. They love all their fans and their career. No one is quitting and we do not care about the money. Obviously this is our job so it's nice that we also get money from it, but our main goal is to entertain people and make them happy.'

I had a tear roll down my face and I walked back, leaning closer to Sapnap. Sapnap wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I rested my head on his shoulder and he smiled.

'Dream is back, I'm not sure if he wants to talk.'

I shook my head and looked at George. He smiled at me and Sapnap talked to the stream again. He explained everything again and the hateful chat turned into a lovely one. I ended the stream a while later after we all said goodbye.

I laid down on my bed with George next to me. Sapnap sat on a chair. 'I get that you don't want to go somewhere right now, so do you want me to let your numbers get changed?'

I nodded slowly. 'If you want to.'

'I have a lot of pain, so please,' George added.

'I'll get your medication,' I smiled as I stood up and went to the bathroom to get him medication and water. I handed it to him as Sapnap left with our phones. He left his own phone at home for if something happened.

George had his eyes closed and I looked at him. 'Where do you have pain?' I asked.

He pointed to his head and ribs and sighed softly. 'When is this pain going away?' he mumbled with a sad voice.

'Soon,' I smiled. 'The medication will work soon and then you can maybe sleep for a little bit until it's dinner time, okay?'

'Will the headaches ever go away?' he whispered.

'They will, I promise.' I let him close his eyes and turned the lights off as I massaged the sides of his head and his forehead again. He breathed out and curled up a bit as I tried to get him to fall asleep.

It took him a while to actually fall asleep, but his headache got less bad and he looked happy as he finally dozed off.

1064 words

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