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-Car crash (wounds+blood)

Dream's POV

~ A Few Weeks Later ~

I sat on my bed with all the windows and curtains closed as I stared at the iPad with the security cameras in front of me. I became so paranoid that I hadn't opened my phone in days, my PC was turned off and I only stared at the security cameras.

There was one car that constantly drove around my house. I saw the same car around fifty times a day, if not more. It made me scared since it was obvious that this was the person who did all of this to me.

Yesterday, I even changed my number. I didn't tell anyone my new number yet and I wasn't telling Sapnap it for a while either. I didn't know who to trust anymore.

My family came over a few weeks back and after my talk with George, I didn't even trust my own family anymore. I did anything to keep them downstairs, but when someone went to the toilet, I already got paranoid and anxious.

I sat on my bed, still staring, as someone knocked on my door. 'It's George,' the voice sounded.

'Come in,' I answered. George knew almost anything that was happening to me. Sapnap didn't come into my room and if he came, I put the iPad away so he wouldn't notice. The cameras were hidden so he didn't see those either. Only George knew they existed.

He walked in and glanced at the iPad and then at me, sitting down next to me. 'Are you still staring?'

'Yeah, I saw that car thirty-seven times today,' I stated as I pointed to the stripes I wrote down on a paper.

'Maybe this is a little bit too obsessive behaviour,' George brought up carefully.

I glared at him. 'Yeah and for if you didn't know, there's a psychopath after me.'

George nodded slowly and I grabbed my phone. 'I changed my number, but I'm not telling Sapnap just yet. The person has been quiet for now and I want to keep it that way.'

'Okay, can I have it?' George asked as he looked at my phone.

'Yeah, but promise me that you're not telling anyone.' George stuck out his pinkie and nodded as I did the same. 'I'm actually kicking you out if you tell anyone.'

'I won't, dumbass. I actually won't. You can stay with me all day, I'm not telling Sapnap and definitely not some random friend on the internet.'

'Fine,' I sighed as I opened my phone and showed him my number. He typed it in and added me, sending me a text to check if it was the right number.

'Alright, maybe I'm safe now.'

'You trust me, right?' George asked as he looked at me. 'Because I don't want you to kill me if this idiot gets to know your number for some reason.'

'I don't trust anyone, but I trust you the most,' I replied, sighing as I laid back. 'I wanted to go look for a new car today, but then I realised I don't have a car to get there.'

'Maybe you can lend Sapnap's car?' George proposed. 'Also, I'm coming with you to make sure you're alright.'

I nodded as we stood up and we walked downstairs together after I looked up where the closest car dealership was on my PC.

Sapnap was in his room and I knocked on his door. He moved and opened the door, looking at me. 'What's up?'

'Can I maybe take your car? I wanted to go somewhere if that's okay.'

He nodded. 'As long as you don't crash it,' he joked.

I rolled my eyes and stepped away from him, walking back to George. I gave him a thumbs up and reached out to get Sapnap's keys. We both went outside and I sat behind the wheel with George next to me.

'Did you tell him where we're going?' George questioned, looking to the house if he saw Sapnap.

I shook my head. 'I said I wanted to go somewhere and he agreed to that.'

George nodded and I put on some music as I started the car to go to the closest car dealership. I had my phone on Google Maps to point me to the right direction as the app suddenly closed and my phone started buzzing.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw a random number and George gasped as he grabbed my phone, accepting the call.

'Hi, George and Dream. Did you miss me?'

George hung up and held the phone against his chest with a pale face. I tried to focus on the road but had a really tight chest as I started processing what was going on.

'Dream, I swear. I did not tell anyone your number. You can have my phone and look through every single text I sent, but I did not send your number to anyone.'

I was shocked and stared in front of me as George suddenly grasped onto my hand.

'Dream, there's a car following you.'

My heart skipped another beat and I started driving faster. The person behind me drove faster too and I recklessly turned to the left, seeing them do the same.

'George, how did they know we were here?'

'There's just three options left,' George whispered. 'This is either Sapnap, a friend from Sapnap who helps him or someone installed something on your phone and your PC which caused them to be able to follow every single thing you do. All your steps, search history, passwords and phone numbers.'

⚠️ Car crash (wounds+blood)

I didn't know what to do anymore and kept driving as randomly as I could. The car kept following me and I stepped on the brakes, turning around with a loud noise.

Before I even realised what was happening, I heard a really loud bang. George shot forwards and so did I, seeing a wall come near me.

'THE BRAKES!' George screamed as he looked in front of him.

I tried to find them but I was too shocked about what happened and then bumped into the wall with way too high speed. The car behind us drove away as I hitched a breath and looked at George who had his hand against his face.

His hand seemed red and I turned to him, having a bad pain in my back. I grabbed George's hand and noticed a cut in his head. 'Oh my goodness,' I mumbled, grabbing napkins to hold against it.

'What happened?' George mumbled.

'That idiot bumped into the back of the car which caused us to bump into the wall,' I answered as I wiped the blood from his face.

'This is Sapnap's car, Dream,' George whispered.

'Call him to pick us up,' I sighed, scared that he'd get really mad.

George nodded slowly and grabbed his phone to call.

1151 words

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