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Dream's POV

I sat on my bed after waking up a minute ago. I sighed softly and reached out to grab my phone, seeing multiple messages on Discord from a random person. I was pretty sure I had my notifications turned off from anyone but my friends which confused me a lot. I really could not remember that I ever added an "anyone123987".

Suddenly the realisation hit me. This was the same person who DM'ed me on Twitter and TikTok. I frowned and opened the messages after yawning softly, being too tired to realise what was going on.

Idiot, did you not believe me the first time? Let's make it a bit more serious then :)

I know where you are, I know everything about you. I know you won't believe me, just wait for me to show my power :D

The messages caused me to startle a tiny bit, but I managed to put it away and stand up to start my day.

I slowly walked down the stairs after putting on a shirt and shorts to see if Sapnap already had breakfast. I opened the door and looked around me, seeing Sapnap sit at the table with his phone and a bowl of cereal.

'Hi, what's up?' he asked as he took another bite of his cereal.

'Nothing much,' I mumbled with a low voice. I was really tired and walked to the fridge, grabbing eggs to make myself an omelette. Sapnap finished his bowl of cereals and put it down on the counter, looking at me.

'You look like shit.'

'Thanks,' I scoffed while I started to bake the egg. 'I think I'm going to the store today. We don't have stuff for dinner.'

Sapnap nodded and turned around, going back to the table. He sat down again with his phone sounds on and scrolled through TikTok as an uneasy feeling came up. That person who texted me, how did they have all my socials?

It wasn't that weird, but it looked like they spammed me so much that I saw them everywhere out of the blue. I forgot I was baking an omelette and grabbed my phone to look at the Discord person again.

I went to their tag and got even more confused when I saw I added them as my friend. I had never added someone with this name tag as my friend. Would it have been a glitch? But why the same person?

I sighed and kept scrolling as Sapnap suddenly jumped up. 'Dude! Everything is burning!'

He ran to the eggs I was baking and put the pan away. I was startled and looked at him, then at the egg and back to my phone.

'What are you doing, dumbass? Well, you can't eat that anymore,' he yelled out. 'Those were the last eggs.'

I slid my phone in my pocket. 'Dude, I'm tired as hell. I'll go to the store now to wake up a bit more,' I sighed.

'That's such a waste of those eggs,' Sapnap scoffed as he put them in the bin. 'How did you manage to burn an omelette?'

'Shut up,' I mumbled. 'I was just not paying attention. I'll go to the store.'

'Alright,' Sapnap answered as he washed the pan.

I walked to the hallway and glanced in the mirror, seeing that my hair was a mess. I quickly ran my hand through it to fix it as much as I could and grabbed my coat to go outside.

The store was pretty close to the house Sapnap and I lived in so I always just walked there to get fresh air and exercise.

I took a deep breath in through my nose and exhaled through my mouth as I looked at the sky. The sky was blue and there weren't many clouds in the air. The sun was also giving off its heat when it was just nine in the morning and some birds flew through the air while making some quiet noises.

I smiled shortly and looked down to the floor as the uneasy feeling I had inside came back up. Why did that person have my Discord? A lot of people texted me because of my merch server on Discord, but I didn't get their notifications. I only got notifications from people I knew and added, but I was absolutely sure I didn't add this person.

I looked around me because I had the feeling someone was watching me. I knew it was bullshit, but that random message made me panic more than I ever should have panicked about such a stupid thing.

It was just a Discord glitch, I should ignore it. I put the feeling aside as I entered the store and I chaotically walked through it, having no plan at all.

I bought eggs and something to eat for dinner, eventually buying some random stuff too. I went to the cash desk and paid for everything I bought, walking outside again after that.

The awkward feeling immediately overwhelmed me again. I noticed that I started walking faster because it really felt like I was being watched by someone who didn't like me or someone who was obsessed with me.

I ended up speed walking away and panted softly as I arrived at the house. I looked around me before entering and noticed there was no one around me. I must have gone absolutely crazy, but I still felt so uncomfortable.

I went inside and closed the door, running inside. I sat down at the table and Sapnap looked up.

'Did you go for a run or what's going on?'

I calmed my breathing and stood up without answering, trying to bake an omelette for the second time today. Sapnap looked at me being really absent and rolled his eyes.

'What's going on with you today? Let me make it for you, idiot. I don't want you to waste more eggs.'

He started preparing the omelette as I just sat down on a chair, looking outside of the window. I saw someone pass by the window and felt my heart skip a beat as I noticed it was just a random lady with a kid. I breathed out and looked at my phone again, getting startled even more when I saw another message of the same person pop up.

In a wave of panic, I turned my phone off and leaned on my hands with a deep sigh. Such a stupid message was making me paranoid already.

1088 words

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