1. Alone

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Madison Marshall lived what many people might call the 'perfect life' - that's if they didn't look beneath the surface.

Her father was an alcoholic and her mother struggled with depression. However, neither of these issues effected their love for Madison. They would do everything and anything for Madison - and in the end, they did. Up until their very last breath, they put Madison first.

Before the incident took place, the Marshall family enjoyed a night full of laughs and fun. It had been a rough week for them all, so for them to all relish in a calm atmosphere was very much deserved. They sat by the fire and exchanged childhood memories; Madison being an only child meant that a lot of these stories involved her closest friends instead of siblings.

Naturally, this night had to come to an end. They said their good nights and Madison went to her bedroom.

She truly felt so grateful for the family she had.
Emphasis on the 'had'.
The use of the past tense had forced its way into Madison's vocabulary only hours after the had sat together, reminiscing.

She slept peacefully, wrapped in her father's jumper, as her parents slept in their bedroom across the hallway. That was until tranquillity shattered as her mother's piercing scream echoed through her ears. She instantly ran to the door, but the words her mother spoke made her stop immediately.


This was followed by another scream, one that sent shivers through Madison's body.
She would've opened the door despite hearing her mum's demand, but she casted her mind back to something she had said earlier.
'Always do as i say, Madison. It will always benefit you.'
Madison was forced to agree to her mother's request, but she didn't think much of it until now.

She slowly backed away from the door after locking it with a key she keeps on her shelf.
She hadn't thought of her next move, only that her parents are screaming and she couldn't do anything to help them.

Suddenly and very ominously, the screaming stopped. Madison gripped onto her childhood teddy and tried muffling her crys. However, the silence stopped when an axe penetrated her door. She let out a scream so loud and uncontrollable that her whole street must have heard.

She had no way out. No window. Nothing.

Although she was petrified, she was also slightly grateful. If her parents were actually dead only meters away from her bedroom, she wouldn't want to live anyway.

The axe repeatedly smashed into the door, breaking the wood and allowing Madison to see a man covered by a dark mask. Her shaking hands gripped onto the teddy even harder, wishing this was somehow a nightmare.

The masked man kicked the door down and marched towards her.
That was the last thing she saw inside that house.

Warm hands wrap around Madison's neck, her eyes flutter open but struggle to look around. She could see she was outside of her house, she recognises the stone floor she lies on. However, the stone floor is red now, covered in blood.
She looks up and sees a man staring down at her. His hands stop the blood from rushing out her neck.
A few strands of hair have fallen out of place and enter the man's view, he had an intense stare - or perhaps it was just concentration. His cheekbones are extremely prominent and his eyes are extremely dark.

"Miss Marshall, can you hear me?"

His accented voice sounded intense and sort of dark.
Madison attempted to nod her head but no movement actually followed.

"I am Dr.Lecter. I assure you, you will be fine, you just need to focus on me."

Madison's heavy eyes shut. The sound of sirens and policemen talking surrounded her as she lost consciousness.

The continuous beep from hospital machines woke Madison from her sleep, panic rushed through her as she sees where she is. Her breathing quickens as she looks down, seeing she's dressed in a hospital gown and is attached to multiple monitors.
Just as she was about to rip the wires from her arms she sees a man standing in the doorway.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you"

She looks at him fearfully and pushes back further into the bed. Madison's first guess was that this man was a doctor, but she dismissed the theory as she saw he is dressed in a suit - a very expensive one.
He took a few steps closer and closed the door behind him.

"Who are you?"
She said in a shaky voice

"Dr. Hannibal Lecter."

"You... you're the one that saved me?"

"I am glad you remember"
He presented a smile, this eased Maddison slightly.

He walked towards her and stood at the end of the bed, just staring at her, she felt intimidated by his stare alone.

She felt the need to fill the silence
"My parents..."

"I am afraid they've  past away, Madison."

It was weird for her to hear her name on his lips, it felt somewhat comforting. She had thought her parents were dead, yet the conformation made everything she had experience feel real.
Her parents weren't going to walk though the hospital doors and tell her everything will be ok... because everything won't be ok, and her parents are dead.

Dr Lecter saw the grief in her eyes, the pain so intolerable that she couldn't even speak.

"I will help you, Madison."

He had made this seem like an offer he willingly provided for Madison, but in reality, Jack Crawford had asked him to treat her, in order for him to retrieve information on this serial killer - she is the only living victim and therefore is a crucial individual in this case.

Madison looked up at Dr Lecter through teary eyes, hopeful she'll receive the help she needs. She had never considered therapy, mostly because she had never needed it, but now it is the only thing she can turn to.
She has no one left.
She is alone.

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