18. You love me

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Hannibal's eyes shifted from his work onto Madison at every chance they could. Normally Hannibal wouldn't be able to work with such a distraction, but he was willing to sacrifice productivity for Madison.
Not long after Hannibal had finished his progress report on Madison, he noticed her eyes starting to open.


She sat upright while wrapping the black blanket around her naked body.

"What's the time?"

Hannibal looked down at the watch on his wrist and then looked back up to Madison.

"Nearly Nine"

Madison turned her head to the window and saw how dark it was outside.
She stood up, picked up the t-shirt that lay on the floor and put it on while she walked over to Hannibal. Madison stood in front of the desk and stared anxiously at Hannibal, who sat on the chair on the other side of the desk. She knew that this was the perfect opportunity to bring up what she'd been avoiding.


He placed his pen down and looked up at her.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something..."

His intimidating stare was a clear illustration of his dominance over her

"I think i should go home soon."

She knew she shouldn't be nervous about speaking about this, but the last time she bought the subject up, she was scared into never wanting to leave Hannibal's house ever.

Hannibal's expression changed, Madison couldn't figure out what it was, but it scared her.

"You want to leave?"

"No, i don't want to, but i think i should."

"Why is that?"

Madison paused.
In all honesty, she felt as if she didn't have a good enough reason. She wants to be with Hannibal at all times, but a new feeling of entrapment had taken over her. Living with someone who believes she was healing was exhausting, especially when Madison felt as if it was impossible to heal. She had to pretend to be doing better, and she was becoming sick of it. She felt guilty, because it wasn't Hannibal's fault, but she had to leave.

Hannibal noticed her silence, he stood up and walked over to Madison.

"If you don't want to leave, then don't. I've told you many times that you're welcome to stay for as long as you want, it's safer here than it is at your apartment."

"I'm sorry, Hannibal, but i think it would be best if i go back, even if it's just for a few days."

The thought of being away from Madison terrified him. Anything could happen to her. Anything. How could he protect her if he couldn't see her?

He said, louder than he had meant to


"You may not think it, but you are still fragile. It hasn't been long since your friend's death, you are bound to experience some sort of breakdown if you leave now."

Even just at the mention of Marco, Madison's breathing starting to quicken. But she knew that no matter what Hannibal said, she had to leave.

"Hannibal, i promise you, i will be okay."

Hannibal could feel the anger rise within himself. He knew if he didn't calm down, he could end up hurting Madison. He walked away from her and towards the cabinet at the back of the office.

"Have a drink with me, let's speak on this before you make any rash decisions."

Madison was tempted, but she knew how persuasive Hannibal was, and if she didn't leave now, she would end up staying.

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