24. Family

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Hannibal placed the plates full of food in front of each guest. Madison, even though she was sat besides Hannibal, felt uneasy. Across from her was a lady who looked as if she was the same age as Hannibal. She had long brown hair and wore a navy blue dress. Madison decided that out of everyone sat at the table, she seemed the nicest. Next to the lady was a man who appeared to be her husband. On the other side of Madison sat another woman, she had shorter and lighter hair, and didn't talk as much as the other woman.

"Madison, has Hannibal told you the story of how we met?"
Said the woman opposite

"No, he hasn't"
She said with a smile

"Perhaps some things are better kept a secret, Alana"
Hannibal said with a smirk on his face

This only made Madison even more intrigued

"Well, now you have to tell me"
She giggled

The more Madison joined conversations, the more comfortable she found she was getting.

"He was actually my mentor many years ago... Many of our students actually thought we were having an affair..."
She started laughing

Madison felt a stab of jealousy

"Oh... really"
Madison turned to Hannibal and forced a smile onto her face

"That's until you met me of course"
Said the man next to Alana

"Of course"
The couple exchanged a loving look

Hannibal placed his hand on Madison's thigh under the table. He gave her a reassuring smile  and then quickly removed his hand to avoid any suspicions.

Throughout the rest of the meal, Madison noticed that Alana kept staring at her. It would've gone unnoticed by Madison but it wasn't just a normal stare - it was as if she was analysing everything that Madison was doing. Every smile, every gesture, every movement was being followed by Alana's eyes. Madison told herself she was just overthinking and to forget about it.

Once the everyone had finished eating, Madison excused herself and walked towards the bathroom. However, as she walked through the kitchen she saw the bottles of wine that had been served earlier. She quickly poured some into a glass, made sure Hannibal wasn't in sight and downed it. She knew that one glass wouldn't give her the confidence that she needed, so she filled another glass and took it into the bathroom with her.

After leaving the bathroom, and placing the glass into the sink on her way to the dining room, she started to feel less shy and intimidated.

When she returned, everyone had split into three different groups, talking amongst themselves. She searched for Hannibal and immediately spotted him in a group with Alana  and her husband. Madison walked over with a smile on her face.

"Madison, we were just speaking of you!"
Said Alana

"All good things i hope!"
Madison answered with a giggle

Hannibal's arm wrapped around Madison's waist, welcoming her into the circle.

"We were discussing how you came to be a family - i think it's just beautiful."

Madison had no idea of what she was referring to or what Hannibal had told everyone, so she just smiled.

"Not many would have done what Hannibal did in his situation."
Alana turned to Hannibal and placed her hand on his shoulder

Madison looked up at him

"I know, i am extremely lucky."

His hand moved slowly to her bare back. Madison's cheeks flushed at the feel of his hands on her body, mixed with the two glasses of wine she had just drank.

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