15. Drugged

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As Madison slept, Hannibal got a few things in order, one being the cancelling of all appointments he had booked for the rest of the week. Madison needed him, and that came first.

When she woke up, it was midday. For a moment, she didn't move at all. Thousands of thoughts ran through her mind all at once, most of them were ones of confusion. Hannibal is more than twice her age and her psychiatrist. And she had just slept with him. Without any second thought.

She felt incredibly guilty. Marco had died right in-front of her eyes only a day before she jumped into bed with someone else.

Madison didn't know this of course, but during her sleep, Hannibal checked on her like clockwork - every twenty minutes. He couldn't help but worry about her. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to her. He'd always been protective over her, ever since he had saved her life, but now he'd slept with her it was even more intense.

When the long awaited twenty minutes passed, Hannibal eagerly entered the room. The sound of the door opening scared Madison, she quickly sat up and stared at him.

He stood still, appreciating her.

Her eyes.
Her lips.
Her body.

Every part of her meant so much more to him now. Having had the privilege of touching her changed something in him; He had a new desire to be the man she believed him to be - the moral, honourable man, one who wouldn't hurt anyone. He wanted to change for her.

"Did you sleep well?"
He says in a voice that had intended to be soft, but was inevitably intimidating.

"I did, yes."
She answers quietly.

Her voice. Her smooth, faint, delicate voice. He didn't know how he'll be able to control himself from now on. She is a drug. And after one dose, he is addicted.

He took a step closer to the bed she sat on. She looked up at him and gave a weak smile.

"How are you feeling?"


She couldn't think of much else to say. Yet again, she found herself wondering whether they would ignore what had happened last night. But Hannibal's urge to put Madison under pressure took over.

He took another step closer.

"How are you feeling."

She took a deep breath in and broke eye contact.

She admitted

He took another step, now standing by the end of the bed.

"Talk to me about it."

"I don't think there's much to say."

Madison shuffled off the bed and walked over to Hannibal.

"I think i might go home soon, do you know where i put my clothes?"
She said shyly, trying to avoid the subject

He had heard her perfectly but was in shock from the unpredictability of it.

"Thank you for helping me, i appreciate it more than i'll ever be able to say, but i think i feel well enough to go home now."

Hannibal stood in between Madison and the door.

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