26. Oblivious

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Madison's body lay on the hard, concrete floor. Hannibal knew what he had to do, but he just didn't know how effective it would be.

He lifted her limp body into his arms and returned her to the bedroom. He knew that she wouldn't be unconscious for long, so he used his time wisely. While she lay on the bed, all colour gone from her face, Hannibal went into a locked cabinet and collected a syringe.

Hannibal then approached her. He sat besides her body on the bed and took her arm into his hand. Once he found the best place to insert the syringe, he pushed the drug into her blood. This would ensure that not only does she remain unconscious for a while longer, allowing Hannibal to get a few things in order, but it also induces loss of time; by the time she wakes up, she won't be able to recall a single thing.

When Madison first opened her eyes it was as if everything was normal. She was lying in bed with the sheets covering her body. For a second, she felt no different than she did the previous morning.

Her hand lifted to her head. She couldn't figure out why she felt the way she did. As if everything was blurred.

She slowly sat up, making her feel even more dizzy than before.

She knew she was in Hannibal's bed, but not much more than that. Why was she sleeping in the middle of the day? Where's Hannibal?

She thinks back to the last thing she could remember: saying goodbye to Hannibal before he left to work with the FBI.
She thought that she must've got tired waiting for him to come back and fell asleep.

She slowly turned her head to the bedside table, but what she was looking for wasn't there. Where's the clock?

Nothing made sense.

Hannibal then walked through the door, the only thing that felt clear in that moment was her undeniable love for him.

"You've woken up"
He said with a smile as he walked over to sit on the side of the bed

"... yes"

"Is everything okay my love?"
He said as he handed her some tea

"I'm just a bit confused that's all."

"About what?"

"I don't remember falling asleep."

"When i came home you were asleep on the couch, i carried you up here."

"Oh, that makes sense."
She said with a sigh of relief

Hannibal ran his hand through her hair as he admired her face

"Find anything new for the case?"

"I'm afraid not, we will just have to remain hopeful."

She nodded

Hannibal couldn't believe how well his plan was working for him. He gets to have Madison all to himself while she is just as clueless as she was the first day they met. It's perfect.

"What's the time? I saw that the clock had been moved."

"What do you mean?"

"The clock isn't on the table," Madison looked back at the bedside table, realising that the clock was in fact there, "Oh...?"

"Madison, are you sure you're alright?"

Madison looked back at Hannibal. She was beyond confused.

"I'm fine, i must've still been half asleep when i looked at it."
She laughed

Hannibal laughed along with her. He knew that she must still be hazy from the drug.

"Are you hungry?"
He asked, wary about bringing up the subject

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