23. Forgiveness

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Hours had passed and Madison still lied awake, waiting for Hannibal to return home. All she could think about was something bad happening to him, and how she'd blame herself if something did.

She looked towards the clock and realised that it had been 3 hours since Hannibal left - 3 hours of listening to her own thoughts while staring at the ceiling.

After attempting to sleep many times, and failing, she realised that it won't happen until he comes home. So, she decides to go downstairs and sit on the chair by the window in order to see when he comes.

While Madison was only thinking of Hannibal, he was doing everything he could to forget about her.

He hated how much one person could consume his mind.

The first place he went was to Bedelia's home. However, after she gave some biased advice, he resorted to what he knows best. He remembered being served by an employee with very little manners and decided to pay them a visit. After plunging a knife into his heart and decorating the body as if it was an art project, he realised that Madison was still on his mind. Nothing, no matter if it had worked in the past, could stop him thinking about what happened.

He got into his car, feeling only slightly calmer than he did earlier, and began to drive home.

When he finally arrived, he unlocked the door and entered. Before even closing the door behind him, he smelt the familiar, comforting scent of Madison. Once he switched on the lights he saw her asleep, curled up on a chair with a blanket around her. He knew that she must've been waiting for him to get back and he instantly felt guilty.

He lifted her gently and walked her upstairs to his bedroom. After slowly placing her onto the bed he inspected her neck. The purple bruising covered her whole throat. Hannibal took a step back and had to calm down before pulling the blanket over her body.

As Madison felt the blanket being pulled over her, her eyes slowly opened. As soon as she saw Hannibal she was relieved.

"You're back"
She said as she sat up

she thought she was dreaming when she saw his tall figure standing over her.

"Where did you go?"

He remained silent

"You scared me, Hannibal."
Her voice began to shake

"I know."
Madison could hear the disappointment in his voice

"I needed you and you just... left me."

Hannibal took a deep breath in and stepped towards the bed. He then sat down on the edge, staring at the girl he had scarred not only physically, but mentally.

"Madison, please forgive me."

Madison, as much as she wished against it, knew she would forgive him, because no matter how much he hurt her, she'd still love him.

He placed his hand onto her cheek, wiping away the tear that slowly fell from her eye.
She slowly nodded and then leant into his hand.

She disgusted herself by how quickly she could excuse what he'd done, but would do it a thousand times over if it meant they would stay together for the rest of their lives.

Hannibal moved his face slowly towards hers, giving her time to move away if she wanted to - but of course she didn't. Their lips connected and began to slowly move against each other. As he moved his body on top of hers she found herself wishing this was how he acted earlier on in the night.

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