11. Teach me

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Madison woke up with a new found optimism; she thought it to be strange, that she couldn't wait to start the day, but welcomed the feeling nonetheless. She questioned wether it was due to sleeping through the night successfully, or the fact she had an appointment with Hannibal today - perhaps both.

Once Madison got out of bed and ate breakfast she decided to get dressed and ready for the day. It was obvious by looking outside that it was going to be cold, so she decided to layer a long sleeved top under a knitted sweater and a skirt with tights.

She looked in the mirror, somewhat satisfied with how she looked, and left her apartment with nothing but her phone and a book

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She looked in the mirror, somewhat satisfied with how she looked, and left her apartment with nothing but her phone and a book.
When walking to Hannibal's office, which was apparently further from her apartment than his home, she decided she'd stop off to get some coffee. She knew if she didn't stop somewhere beforehand, she'd be too early for the appointment. So, she got a coffee and sat on a bench.

It was cold, but not too cold. It was perfect. Snow from the previous days still clung to the grass and the leafless trees towered over Madison. She opened her book and began to read, telling herself she can indulge in the fictional world for only 20 minutes before she has to start walking again.

After those 20 minutes passed, which felt like only 5, Madison resumed her travel to Hannibal's office. When realising her hands were becoming increasingly cold and she stupidly didn't remember to bring gloves, she placed her hands in her coat pocket. She immediately removed her right hand from her pocket when she felt the piece of paper the boy had given her yesterday. She'd completely forgotten about their interaction and felt guilty for not texting him sooner, so she got out her phone and entered his number.

'Hey, Marco! Sorry i hadn't texted you sooner, i've been busy moving in"
Madison laughed at herself for lying at such an insignificant thing, but sent the text anyway.

Almost instantly, he replied:
'No worries! How's the painting look?"

She hadn't had the time to put it up yet, but decided to lie, again, to make him feel better.

'Great!! Goes perfectly with my walls :)'

She put her phone back in her pocket when she saw she was approaching the large office. It was weird, she had been here before, but the snow made the building look completely different.

As she got to the large doors, she pushes one open wide enough for her to slip inside. She was then met when a small waiting room, one she had instantly walked past in her first visit with Hannibal. She sat down on the chair available and took her time looking around. It is only a waiting room, but it looked more sophisticated than any other she'd been in. She notices her leg start to bounce and her breathing start to quicken slightly. But why? She had seen Hannibal countless times, so why is she nervous? She started to dig her nails into the palms of her hands to try focus on anything other than her beating heart and shaking body. This didn't work. But it didn't matter, as Hannibal opened the door to his office and smiled as he saw Madison waiting.

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