21. Revenge

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The speed of his car increased at every second. Madison gripped onto the side of her seat and watched as Will did the same to his steering wheel.

"Will, please slow down"
Her voice was shaky

Will didn't listen to her, he kept his eyes fixed on the road.

All she could think about was dying the same way as Marco - the way she felt she was supposed to.

"Will, please think about what you're doing."

The more she moved, the more her wrists hurt from the metal handcuffs.

"Will please"
She begged in a whisper

"I'm doing this for you Madison, can you not see that?"

Tears continuously rolled down her cheeks as she sobbed

"I'm protecting you from him."

His eyes were dark and full of anger.

Madison thought that Will must be crazy. Hannibal had warned her about speaking to him before, and now she knows exactly why - he's dangerous.

"If you let me out now, i won't tell Hannibal anything - we can pretend this never happened."

Will finally looked at her, but it was a look of confusion - he couldn't understand how she still thought that Hannibal wasn't someone to be scared of.

"I'm helping you!"
He shouted

Madison knew now that nothing she said would make him stop, so she started looking  around the car for things to help her. However, after searching for a few minutes, she couldn't find a single thing.
There was only one option left.
She unclipped her seatbelt slowly and then her hand inched towards the door handle. Once her fingers curled around the handle, she looked over to Will and then on the road, waiting for the perfect moment. When she saw that the road was clear and Will wasn't looking in her direction, she pulled the handle towards her and then pushed the door open.
The sound of the wind was so loud that Will's shouts where bearly audible. Once Will slowed down only slightly in order to reach towards her and pull her away from the door, she leaped out.

Before she knew it, Will's car was out of her sight and she was lying on the road in excruciating pain. She wondered whether the ringing sound that filled her head was an ambulance coming to help her, but then realised that there wasn't a single thing in sight. It was almost pitch black now and the road was isolated.

She knew that she had to move, she had to get back to Hannibal... but where was he? She had no clue which direction they came from - and even if she did, she doubted whether she'd make it there alive.
Despite her whole body aching and stinging, she forced herself up and began walking along the road. Once she came to a lone street lamp she realised the severity of her injuries. Her legs where covered in blood, as well as her hands. Her body was full of cuts and bruises. And when she touched the top of her head, she felt as if she'd jumped out of the car all over again.

She kept walking in the same direction, not knowing wether it was the right way or not, and hoped to see a house in sight soon. While she walked, she memorised what she'd say to the first person she sees. This task took her mind off of her pain slightly, yet it didn't help her shivering from the cold air.

After only a few more minutes of walking, she had to sit down on the side of the road. She knew she should've kept walking, but her legs were about to give way any minute. While sat down, she analysed how deeps the cuts where, just as she'd seen Hannibal doing before. The ones on her legs weren't that bad, and most of them had stopped bleeding now, however, the ones on her arms were deep - perhaps it had something to do with the handcuffs that still restricted her.

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