27. 'lack of trust'

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Madison rolled over, her hand landed on Hannibal's chest. As she slowly woke up she realised Hannibal was still asleep. It didn't matter how long she stared at him, she was unable to get bored. She knew that this love was rare; she knew that not everyone in this world is lucky enough to feel this way about someone, and have them feel the same way back.

Once she pulled her eyes away from his God-like features, she rolled over and got off the bed. She made her way over to the blinds and opened them, hoping it would wake Hannibal. But it didn't. She assumed he hadn't slept until late and made her way downstairs to make breakfast. Although she wasn't good at cooking, she wanted to impress him by making something nice for them both.

She collected the ingredients and noticed the fridge had been stocked up with loads of new meats. She grabbed one that looked familiar and began to chop it up.

Once she had finished, she admired her work. Although it had nothing on Hannibal's masterpieces, she was impressed with her presentation.

She placed the two plates opposite each other on the kitchen island and walked upstairs. She opened the bedroom door and was surprised to see Hannibal still sleeping. She slowly approached the bed, jumping on it once she got close enough. She moved her head to his and whispered into his ear,

"Hannibal, wake up."

She moved a fallen piece of hair from his face and begged he'd open his eyes soon.
When he still didn't respond, she moved herself onto of his body and began to plant kisses all over his face.

"Wake up Hannibal - i have a surprise for you!"

His eyes finally fluttered open and a smile crept up his face.

"Good morning, Madison."

His large hand made its way into her dark hair while she still sat on top of him.

"You are very difficult to wake up"
she said smiling

"Is that so?"
He said as he rubbed his eyes with his free hand

"Come on, i've made you something!"
She said as she climbed off of him and onto the other side of the bed

Hannibal then rolled on top of her, trapping her body between him and the mattress.

He takes a deep breath in, smelling the delightful scent that filled the whole house.

"I wonder what it could be"

Madison giggles

Hannibal moved his lips onto hers, she gently pushes her lips further onto his.

Madison then pulls back and grins before pushing Hannibal to the side of the bed with all her strength. She then grabs his arm and attempts to pull him off the bed and to the door. The only reason she was able to get him out of the door and downstairs was because he voluntarily walked there.

"It looks amazing, Madison."

She pointed to the chair and he obeyed by sitting down opposite her.

"I'm sorry if i accidentally poison you."
she giggles

Hannibal chuckled before lifting his fork to his mouth

"It would be worth it."
he said

He couldn't help but think of Madison preparing and cooking the meat, he found it amusing.

Madison began to eat her meal after watching Hannibal take his first bite. She didn't know why but she was incredibly nervous.

However, her anxiety fled once she saw his glowing expression.

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