25. The key

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When Madison woke up she realised that she was alone in Hannibal's bed. Without hesitation, she dressed herself in her pyjamas from last night and then walked downstairs.

Hannibal, knife in hand, was preparing breakfast.

She said as she entered the kitchen

"Good morning, Madison"
He said with a smile on his face

Madison sat down on one of the stools by the island as she watched Hannibal cook.

"Hannibal... i have a question."


Madison hesitated before speaking, wondering if she should say anything.

"I was just wondering what you had told your guests... about us."

"I told you what i had said to them - you're my daughter."

"No, i know. I just wondered what the story was exactly."

"I told them half truths. I said that after your parents had died i gave you therapy, and then a home."

Madison stayed silent, processing.

"Does that bother you?"
He said as he cut the meat into small pieces


Hannibal looked over to her.

She admitted

"And why is that?"

"I just wonder how you can live in a lie. They are your friends, yet they don't know who i am."

"They know who you are."

"You know what i mean, Hannibal."

"I don't see it that way. You are my life, and we are not lying to one another. And therefore my life is not a lie. Do you understand?"

"I guess so."

Hannibal pushed a plate of food to her

"Eat up."

Madison began to eat the food, still amazed at Hannibal's talent.

"I'm afraid i have to deal with something today, Jack called me earlier this morning."

"Oh, is everything okay?"

"Yes, just a lead on your case, he wants me to take a look, see if i can find anything of value."

"Well can i come? It is my case after all."

Hannibal smiled

"Way too dangerous for you i'm afraid. Perhaps you can practise some of those piano pieces i gave you?"

Madison exaggerated a pretend yawn

"Come on now, you can impress me when i come home by playing me something."

Hannibal took Madison's empty plate away from her and washed it up.

Hannibal put on his coat and grabbed his suitcase, ready to leave. He approached Madison, who still sat by the island with a sulking expression. He placed his hands either side of her face and placed his lips on hers.

"I don't want you to go."

"I know, but i will be home before you know it."

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