2. Hospital

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Madison had once again fallen asleep, she had found that a mix of trauma and a near death experience causes you to be extremely tired .

Hannibal had watched her sleep for a while, he analysed her breathing patterns and the way her hand would twitch every so often.

He found her situation intriguing. He questioned if she would react the same way if it was him who had murdered her family, he enjoyed thinking about that. It was a reoccurring thought, thinking about hurting people or their loved ones, but it was unusual for him to feel protective over someone. He theorised it was simply because he had saved her life, the feeling will pass. He hoped.

A few hours later, Will Graham walks into Madison's hospital room and sees Hannibal sat beside her bed, asleep with his hand resting on hers. Will takes a seat opposite Madison's bed on a small coach, he decides to wait until they both wake up. He had intended on questioning Madison. Jack Crawford had sent him to retrieve as much information as possible so they could build a more accurate profile of the killer.

He only had to wait 20 minutes until Hannibal woke up and noticed Will sat across from him.

"William, i didn't know you were coming"

"Oh, Jack set me down here to question Madison while she still remembers what happened."

Hannibal's jaw tensed.

"I'm not sure that's the best idea, Will."

Will had thought Hannibal didn't want him questioning her because it would cause her even more stress. However, that was actually the one reason he did want him questioning her. The real reason Hannibal didn't want Will there was because he didn't want anyone else speaking to Madison, he feared Will would form a relationship with her, and that wouldn't end well for either of them.

"I know, I know. I wouldn't be here if Jack hadn't insisted."

Madison's eyes slowly opened, she rubbed them and sat up slightly. Once she had adjusted to the bright lights around her she saw the two men. Her heart beat quickened and her hands began to shake. Hannibal noticed this.

"Madison, calm down, it's okay."

Madison looks over to Hannibal sat beside her. He gives her a reassuring nod which calms her down slightly.

"This is Will Graham, he works alongside the FBI"

She paused for a second, trying to figure out what part of his sentence sounded abnormal

Maddison questioned

Hannibal and Will gave her a confused look

"You said 'Alongside', not 'for'. So he's not apart of the FBI?"

Hannibal smirked at how intelligent she was, he didn't expect it.

Madison's attention was drawn to the door which now opened, revealing a ginger women.

"Will Graham couldn't pass the psychological evaluation... he's too unstable."
She gave a victorious smirk, it unsettled Madison.

It was obvious she had been listening through the door, which angered Hannibal.

The two men stood up immediately, Hannibal's enraged expression completely juxtaposed Wills worried look as they both stared at the woman.

Madison sat up fully and stared at the women too.

"Who... are you?"

"She's no one, do not listen to her."
Hannibal interrupted

"I'm Freddie Lounds... call me if you want more information on the men you believe are trying to help you."

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