17. Mine

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The sun hit Madison's naked body while she still slept. When she noticed a shadow cast over her eye lids, she slowly opened her eyes. Once she adjusted to the brightness of the room, she noticed Hannibal's tall body standing over her. His expression was serious, she thought maybe even a bit... sad?

Madison rubbed her eyes and sat up, pulling the blanket towards her to cover her body. She felt a painful ache all over, which casted her mind back to last night.


He didn't say anything, he just stared at her.

"What's wrong?"

Hannibal's expression remained the same, but instead of standing still, he pointed to the bathroom.

"See for yourself."

She was beyond confused, but slowly slipped out of the bed anyway, picking up Hannibal's shirt from the floor on the way to the bathroom.

Once she got into the bathroom she noticed immediately what he was referring to.
Hannibal walked towards her and stared at her reflection in the mirror, just as she did.

"I'm so sorry."
He whispered while standing behind her

Madison didn't say anything for a while, she just stared at herself in the mirror.

Her neck was not only covered in small purple bruises, but it also had a distinct dark outline of a hand around it. But that wasn't all. Her figure was slender, more than it had ever been before.

She quickly drew her eyes away from her body and turned around to face Hannibal. She pulled the large top over her head, looked him in the eyes and offered a slight smile.

"I'm fine, Hannibal, don't worry about me."
Her voice was as soothing as ever, but for the first time, it didn't calm Hannibal down.

"How can you say that?" Hannibal turned Madison's body back towards the mirror, so she was forced to stare at herself again, "Do you see what i've done to you?"

Madison closed her eyes at the sight and walked away from Hannibal, his hands dropping from her shoulders as she does so.
Hannibal followed her into his room, noticing the mess of it as he does so.

Hannibal, who had never felt guilt before meeting Madison, was now consumed by it.
He didn't know what came over him last night, it was like a blur. All he could remember was feeling the same way when he had taken a life for the first time - euphoric.

Madison sat on the end of Hannibal's bed, looking up at him.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Don't lie to me, Madison."
He sounded disappointed, which sent a pang of worry to Madison.

She stood up slowly and took a few steps forward, to where Hannibal stood without movement.

Once she stood in front of him, he looked down at her.

"I'm okay, i promise."
She whispered up at him

His hand, the same one that had created the mark on her neck, stroked her soft cheek. He then bowed his head down and leant it onto of hers.

"I won't ever hurt you again."
He whispered

He lifted his head and then lowered it to hers, he gently, and cautiously, placed his lips onto hers.

Hannibal's loss of control scared him. He had always seen two separate parts of him, and those parts should never cross over. But last night they did, and he hated himself for it.
He vowed to never hurt Madison from this day forward, and knew he'd do anything to uphold that vow.

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