4. Birthday

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Hannibal wakes up at 6:30AM, almost instinctively. He knew Madison wouldn't wake until later on so he decided to get a few things done while she is still asleep.

He makes his bed, has a shower and then changes into a white shirt and black slacks.
He decides to see if Madison had woken up on his way downstairs. He pushes open the door to the spare room, only slightly. When he sees Madison's sleeping body he takes a step into the room, closing the door slightly behind him. He watched her sleep, admiring her beauty. His stomach turned when catching a glimpse of her bare stomach after her jumper has risen during the night. He took a deep breath in and composed himself. He walked over to the sleeping angel and covered her body with the blanket. He wanted to stay there forever, by her side as she slept peacefully.

He made his way downstairs and started preparing breakfast. He looked at the calendar - December 3rd. The date instantly struck out to Hannibal. Madison's birthday. He had remembered going through her file and seeing that date. How could he forget? He blamed it on being too busy focusing on her physical presence rather than her birthday, yet he still felt guilty for not remembering - it wasn't like him to forget such a crucial factor.

Hannibal finished making the pancakes and stuck a candle on the top of them. He knew she had tried to hide it from him, so he wanted to make it clear that he knew - no one is capable of hiding anything from Hannibal.

In perfect timing, Madison entered the kitchen. She wore the same joggers and jumper she had put on yesterday, yet Hannibal still thought she looked beautiful. She had put her slightly messy hair in two plaits either side of her head and had splashed some water over her face to make her feel more refreshed.

"Good morning, Madison"
He said with a smile behind the kitchen island.

"Morning, Dr L- ... Hannibal."

Hannibal chuckled and then beckoned her to come closer.

"I trust you slept well?"

"Very well, thank you"

She walked over to Hannibal, only the island separated them. She looked down at the plate of pancakes and saw the candle, she quickly looked back up at him.

"Happy birthday, Madison."

She smiled to him, it was a genuine smile - different to every smile she had given before.

"How did you know it's my birthday?"

"I had read your file, previous to our visit in the hospital."

She ran around the island to meet Hannibal and hugged him tightly. She buried her head into his chest and squeezed him. He was surprised at her sudden gesture but was definitely not disappointed. He wrapped his arms around her as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you so much for remembering... and for letting me stay here"
Her voice was muffled but Hannibal had heard every word of what she'd said, and savoured them.

"It's no problem."

He pulled away from the hug and knelt down in front of her.

"What do you want to do today?"

"I thought you were taking me to the clinic?"

"I'd be a monster if i didn't let you enjoy your birthday"

Madison laughed, Hannibal mirrored her.

"How are your baking skills?"

She laughed again, however this time more sarcastically.

"I'm not sure you'd even want to find out"

He chuckled and got two aprons out from a draw.

"Nonsense. Let's bake you a birthday cake."

He places both hands on her hips and turns Madison around so she wasn't facing him, he then places an apron around her neck. His fingertips travel from her shoulder blade down to her arm and then to her back. This sent chills down Madison's spine and a flush of pink to her cheeks, she hated that her body reacted this way but couldn't help it. He tied the string behind her back and then placed both his hands on top of her shoulders, he then placed his lips by her ear

"All done"
His breath against her skin sent another wave of chills over her.

Hannibal saw the way her body reacted and smirked, he loved having this much power over her.

Madison's lack of experience in the kitchen amused Hannibal. He showed her the best way to cook and which temperature is best. She hated to admit that her parents where anything less than perfect, but in all honesty, they were absent from her life. They didn't intend on not being there, it kind of just happened gradually. Her dad was off getting drunk most days, and her mum was working in order to pay the bills. Madison always excused their abandonment because they had loved her wholeheartedly, but it meant she had never been taught the simplicities of baking or how to spend quality time with people. She could forgive them for this of course, but she wished she could've spent more time with them.

Hannibal knew this obviously. He wanted to heal her. He wanted to help her mature in ways her parents couldn't help.

Once their cake had been completed, mostly by Hannibal, they decided to sit by the fire. Hannibal went to the kitchen and collected two wine glasses and the finest wine he owns. He returns to Madison and hands her a glass, she takes it willingly but gives him a confused look.

"I think turning Twenty deserves a celebration."

Madison smiles up at him then watches as he sits beside her. He pours the red wine into her glass and then into his, they touch glasses lightly and smile at the clinking sound. Although many people around Madison's age were drinking, she never saw the appeal. Perhaps because she saw what it could do to people and their relationships.
However, there was something different about
today. She felt safe with Hannibal. She sipped the drink while he stared at her intensely. If only she knew what was in the wine.

She started to wonder when she'd have to go to the clinic, but she didn't want to bring the topic up. After she'd finished her wine she placed the glass on the small table in front of them. Hannibal instantly went to refill it.

"Oh, i'm okay thank you."

He looked towards her and then looked back towards the glass, refilling it. He handed the glass to her.

"It's your birthday, you're allowed to have fun Madison."
She smiled and took the glass from him.

She desperately wanted to have fun, and felt that maybe she was starting to, but she felt so guilty. Since her parents died she felt it was a sort of sin to enjoy life without them.

It was only 7PM but the darkness seen from the large windows made it seem a lot later. Madison started to feel slightly tired. She thought that maybe Hannibal had just forgotten where he had promised to take her, she hoped this was true. But of course, Hannibal knew completely.

Madison knew she hadn't drank much, only two glasses, but it felt as if she was already really drunk. Her cheeks were flushed and her vision had blurred slightly. She looked down at her fingers and watched them move in slow motion, she then looked back up at Hannibal and saw his smirk. Due to her lack of alcoholic knowledge or experience, she didn't know what feeling drunk felt like. Therefore, she had no clue that she wasn't drunk... she was drugged.


MERRY CHRISTMAS!! (for the people that celebrate it)
I hope you have the best day <3

Thank you for reading so far !

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