10. H

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Madison had gradually moved closer to Hannibal during her sleep, so close in fact, that she was now practically on top of him. Her head rests on his chest and her arm clings around him.
When Hannibal wakes, he was pleasantly surprised at the proximity of their bodies. He didn't want her to ever move. He wanted their bodies to never separate and her fondness of him to never leave.

He lay very still for a few minutes, hoping to not wake her. His hand then begins to trace her back; his fingertips travel up and down her spine slowly. As Madison's eyes flutter open, her hand that had been wrapped around him, drags across his chest. Hannibal's sharpe inhale was audible. She sits up immediately after realising how close they had been.

"Good morning"
Says Hannibal, in a slightly croaky voice

Madison stares at Hannibal. It was like looking at a stranger, she thought. Hannibal looked so different. A few strands of hair had fallen out of place which gave him a more relaxed look. She hadn't noticed the night before, but his attire had completely changed his whole aura. His more simplistic and informal look made him seem more like a friend than her psychiatrist. Then a wave of panic washed over her, she'd just slept with her psychiatrist.

"Good morning"
She returned quickly as she rubbed her eyes

Hannibal sat up, admiring the girl that sat opposite him.
"Did you sleep well?"
He asks

Madison's face turns slightly red at the thought of how well she'd slept next to him.

"I did, thank you. You?"

He smirks
There was a short silence as they both stared at one another.
"We could go into town today, there's a furniture store that may prove helpful"

"Yeah, that's a good idea"

Once they were both ready, they left and drove to the nearest town.
As soon as Madison stepped out of the car, a cold breeze hit her face. She loved this weather. She loved hearing the sound of snow crunch beneath her feet, and loved wearing layers of clothes just to keep warm.
The first place they decided to go was the furniture store. Hannibal opened the door, letting Madison in first.

Said the worker behind the till

Said Madison, smiling to the boy. She guessed he was around her age, maybe slightly older.

"If you need anything, just let me know"
He said with an inviting smile.

Hannibal watched this short interaction, and as he does whenever she speaks to anyone but him, hated it.
He placed his hand on her lower back, guiding her to look at the wooden tables.
Instead, a jewellery box had caught her eye. It was wooden, with flowers carved into it. The box was beautiful, but she wouldn't have payed much attention to it if it hadn't resembled the one she owned when she was younger. Her father had gifted to her for her seventh birthday, she kept it safe until the night of their death, when it had been destroyed along with a lot her other belongings.

Said Hannibal, knowing something had come to mind.

"This box, it's almost identical to the one my dad had made me when i was younger."
She quickly wiped at the tear that had formed.

Before Hannibal could say anything, Madison walked away from him and over to the bedside tables.
While Madison admired the wooden frame, the boy made his way towards her.

"It's beautiful, don't you think?"
He said while standing next to her

"Yes, it is"
She said, turning towards him

"Are you looking for anything specific?"

"I've just moved into an apartment nearby, so i'm just looking around for now."
She says with her contagious grin

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