Prologue - Day, When Everything Began to Break

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26. October 2061 12:34, G&K base at sector J13

Unbreakable suddenly got called by Mikel. 

"Leader, I came as you wanted."

"Good. I need to speak with you about something."

"Judging by your face it's something very important, right?" 

Mikel sighed and said:

"Yes. We have option to attack Elisa."

"Isn't that great?! Finally this war will end!" Unbreakable couldn't hold her happiness back

"Yes, but it's very risky. Moreover we need to go to Berlin by cars."

"We can do it. It's not something too hard. If we will use very low radio frequency, we shouldn't be spotted by them when communicating. Moreover it's not something hard to get through SF territory."

"Here is problem. You need to stay here." Mikel interrupted

"Wha- Why?"

"We want to attack with as few members, as we can. If we will take you and your forces with us, they will expect us and we won't surprise Elisa."

"I can go without them! I don't want to stay at backlines, while rest of you will risk your lives!"

"You can't leave your subordinates. If they won't be under your command, they can be taken over by other ringleaders. Moreover I don't doubt in your skills, but you won't be able to cooperate with others. We don't know each other very well, but I know, that you have totally different fighting technique, than us."

"T-that is true, but still-"

"No means no!" shout Mikel, making Unbreakable slightly scared

"Alright..." she answered after a while

"Still that don't mean, that you won't have any job." Mikel said smugly "With your forces you have very good firepower, so you will be part of bigger plan. When we will get into Sangvis' territory, you will attack their sectors with commander Aleksandrovich's forces. Your mission is to go as deep as you can and defend conquered sectors."

"Let it be then. At least I will help you a bit with your own mission." Unbreakable's voice began to be happier a bit

Mikel smiled at her and after a while he shook her hand.

"I don't know, if we will get back from this mission, so I wa-"

"Don't even tell anything like that! If you will be so pessimistic, you won't be able to make it even to Poznan. Have some faith in yourself and your companions."

Unbreakable's line made Mikel smile slightly.

"You are right. I need to have faith in them. At last they are better, than 'Grizzly' and 'Harpoon'."

"'Grizzly'? 'Harpoon'? Who do you mean?" 

Unbreakable's question made Mikel slightly sadder.

"My old teams. They all died because of my incompetence and our lack of skills at some fields. That's why I wanted to make team contained by members, whose knowledge would fill each other."

"No need to worry, you all are very skilled at your own fields. You will surely come back in one piece."

Then both of them got silent for a while.

"Alright, let it conclude our meeting today. We will see each other tomorrow, before battle."

"Yes. I need to take care of my subordinates too, so have a good day."

"You too." 

Then both of them came back to their work.

27. October 2061 9:10, base in sector J13

Unbreakable came to Mikel once again. She wanted to see "Vanguard" team's preparation by herself. After asking few person, she got to tent, where they were preparing their weapons.

"Looks like you have a lot of fun here, don't you?" she said, when she saw everyone's smiles

"Humans have fun, we are just preparing our weapons." answered RO

Unbreakable smiled slightly at her and came closer to Mikel's teams.

"So, how's your mood?" she asked

"Ready to depart in any moment." said 45', while others nodded at her words

"Good to hear that. At last you will be away from our home for long time."

Their talk was interrupted by commander Aleksandrovich's coming.

"Good morning everyone." he said and everyone answered "Good morning, commander."

"Mikel, Unbreakable, I want to speak with you."

"Alright, but why?" asked Mikel

"I will explain later, now go with me." 

Both of them made confused looks, but began to follow commander Vladimir. Moment later, they were in commander's office. He sat at his desk and handed sheet of paper to Mikel.

"We have got a problem with her and Gager."

"URNC generals want to meet Unbreakable?!" Mikel asked with disbelief

"Why is that?" she asked and came closer to read text too

"You are suspicious for them. No, not only for them for all of us. You broke OGAS protocol's cardinal command by yourself. No doll should be able to do it, so they want to check if it's true and interrogate you." commander Aleksandrovich said that with serious voice

"So they heard about me so much?" she asked with slightly awkward voice

"It's URNC, they have spies everywhere. No wonder, that they got to know about you."

"Alright, but I need to help here first, don't I?" 

"Yes. I convinced them, that your forces are crucial for success in your frontline, so they agreed, that you will be interrogated after our attack will be stopped."

"Then it's ok with me. I can tell them everything about my change, even if it won't be a lot."

"If she doesn't mind that, then I won't make any problems too." added Mikel and signed one of paper

"So you agree to let me be her supervisor?" asked Aleksandrovich

"Just until our return."


"So right now I'm under your command, Mr. Aleksandrovich?" asked Unbreakable


She smiled slightly. 

"Understood, commander. I'm not very good at social contacts, but I hope, that we will get along." 

"You said it like you would be T-doll." said commander and laughed slightly afterwards

"M-maybe." Unbreakable blushed slightly at that remark

"Commander I have something to say to you. In four eyes." Mikel said with serious voice

"Then I will go to my forces. We need to prepare ourselves too."

After that Unbreakable saluted and left the office.

That's how started their story - Unbreakable's story of doll, that will try to stop upcoming war and commander Vladimir Aleksandrovich's story of men, that will write his name on the pages of history, as best G&K commander ever.

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