Epilogue - Two White Ghosts

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After success of "Gray Ghosts'" squad operation, Antarctic Union attacked URNC border in Finland. KCCO without part of their generals and without URNC's head politics couldn't stop well prepared TASA forces and even if they desperately tried to stop them, TASA took control over Moscow in two days, resulting in KCCO's surrender.

United Nations got into diplomacy conflict with Antarctic Union when they heard, that operation "Orion's Judgement" was forewarned by attack of other force. They quickly accused AU for breaking their agreement, but as AU rejected their accusations and said, that this was result of attack of outer forces, UN took their accusations back as they couldn't find any proof for AU's lie.

Right after that, Antarctic Union decided to start free elections at URNC and after small manipulation, new president of URNC got elected. With pro-AU views he restored peace in country, but as result of war URNC had to change their politic to more federal than before, resulting in creation of new, nearly fully autonomous countries.

Old government and lots of KCCO officers got accused for many war crimes against T-dolls, A-dolls, G&K workers and Patriots. Most of them ended in prisons for a very long time and some of them got death as penalty. T-dolls got recognized as unrecreatable because of KCCO's destruction of all T-dolls' research labs, so they got military funerals and memorial monuments like war heroes. A-dolls' technology was much backward, but quickly got recreated with help of Hollow City's scientists.

Sangvis Ferri initially regained some territory, that KCCO liberated, but after AU's quick actions and new army of URNC - VSRK (A/N VSRK - Armed Forces of Rossartrism Coalition, in Russian Vooruzhonnyye Sily Rossartistskoy Koalitsii) they had to retreat and after not more, than one year their threat got finally destroyed. Once again humanity managed to survive and maintain peace in Eurasia.

As for "Gray Ghosts", there was no public record of them. Their existence got erased and only few person knew about them. Or rather that was how things were until some cold day in northern part of URNC...

21. November 2076, somewhere in Karelian Republic

"Sir! Miss! Can you tell us story from your time at TASA?" asked group of children after seeing two veterans at the street

Men with short black hair looked at his blonde haired wife and both of them smiled at the kids.

"Of course. What would you like to know?" said woman

"About time, when TASA attacked URNC!" children answered in unison

"Let it be then. It was cold day, or rather night. We got information, that KCCO army was in rout after assassination of their government and generals. Our command decided to attack and break through KCCO formation. It was really hard battle, but thanks to our bravery, technology and commanders, we managed to destroy their morale. 

Some KCCO soldiers, that heard about lose of generals decided to surrender, some of them turned upon their own army and joined us. We won that battle thanks to those brave heroes, that killed the governors and generals. Afterwards I heard about their nicknames: Lucia, Agathe, Emilia, Onni, Sinnika, Francesca, Vittoria and Melanie. But their names had to be forgotten for sake of peace." said by the men veteran

"Why is that?" asked one child

As the man was speaking, lot of passers-by joined to listen to his story.

"Because the great heroes are the ones, who are nameless." answered woman with warm smile

After a while, men continued:

"But there is something more. After that battle, our branch got sent into URNC territory to scout. When we were few kilometers away from Kuopio, we spotted two destroyed APCs. In both of them we found only two dead bodies. We don't know what happened with rest of that group, but we were fully sure, that they were those heroes. 

We searched for rest of them around, but couldn't find anything - not even one personal item and if they somehow survived, snow erased their tracks. We couldn't identify who they were, as their dog tags were taken away and their state wouldn't let us identify their look, even if we would have data about their personalities."

"So what happened with rest of them?" asked one of adults

"No one knows. Some say, that they died not much later from the wounds, some say, that they managed to survive, but died shortly after and some say, that they are still alive and are walking around the northern part of URNC." ended woman

"Which one do you think is true?" said another child with interest

"We don't know." veterans answered in unison

Right after that, street lamps in the town suddenly stopped to glow. Some people began to turn their flashlights on, while others tried to calm down the children.

"Probably battery died again. We need to recharge it tomorrow." said men with calm and sad voice

Suddenly streetlamps began to glow again. As every adult got confused, some child pointed at someone and shout loudly:


Pointed person's look was covered by white cape, but everyone saw, that she somehow recharges the street lights. Right after that, another person with same white cape came closer to veterans and quietly whispered something to men. He smiled at her words and took something wrapped in old rags, in shape of pistol and pair of dog tags.

"Who are you two?" asked one of adult

First person stood up and said with woman's voice:

"We are just passers-by." 

Then second one joined her and both of them wanted to leave, but sudden wind blow took off their hoods revealing, that both of them are woman, one of them had long, white hair and other one had a bit shorter, brown hair.

"They are Lucia and Agathe! From the story about heroes of URNC!" shout someone

As people wanted to come closer and talk with them, woman recognized as Agathe said:

"Let it be our small secret, ok?" then smiled warmly

People looked at them and after a moment of silence, veterans saluted to them. After seeing this other people joined in.

"You will never change, Ivan and Jericho. Always soldier behavior." said Lucia with laugh, making other people confused

"Same as you, Eora and IWS. Everything for the sake of leader." they answered in unison with smile

After that, IWS and Eora wore their hoods back and left the village, while Ivan and Jericho did their best to not spread the word about their real personalities. 

Next day, Ivan and Jericho went to local graveyard and made small, inconspicuous grave, where dog tags were buried. At small plate was written:

Brig. Gen. Unbreakable "Emilia"

Commander of "Gray Ghosts" and Hero of Union of Rossartrism Nations Coalition

Died heroically on the battlefield

Lest we forget

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