Chapter 14 - Everything Have Its End

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Unbreakable's forces had to leave their vehicles just 2 hours after departing from battlefield against ringleaders. Since that time they were trying to get through dangerous area, where Alchemist, Architect and Destroyer have their forces. Within these two days, they managed to slip between their forces without bigger fights, still they had to fight few times, making their ammunition nearly fully used.

17. November 2061 15:04, 42 kilometers away from Kaliningrad

Unbreakable was leading her forces, while Scarecrow was scouting their surroundings. As they entered the forest, they were much more aware of what's going on around them, still Scarecrow's drones made them confident enough to not moving in battle formation.

"Leader, my drone found enemy scouts." Scarecrow suddenly said, making everyone stop

"How much?" answered Unbreakable

"Just four."

"Can we go around them?"

"We should be able to, but give me a moment. I will check which way will be good." said Scarecrow and by moving her baton ordered her drones to go around

After a while she said:

"We can try to go at 340 degree. This way looks better to sneak."

"Understood." then Unbreakable gestured to change direction

Right after seeing this, everyone moved on, following Unbreakable. This situation happens every ten minutes, until that time.

"Leader, next scouts." said Scarecrow

"Just three minutes after previous ones?" asked IWS

Scarecrow nodded in agreement.

"I think, that we are closing in to Sangvis' basecamp." said Eora "Unbreakable, I think, that we should stop here for a while and let Scare send her drones and look for answers. We can't just move on like that, if we will go straight into enemy base."

"How much time must I say that - don't call me 'Scare'." said Scarecrow with annoyed voice, making Eora roll her eyes

"It's good idea. Can you do it Scarecrow?"

"Yes." she answered and moved her baton in order to send drones further into enemy territory

For three minutes she didn't responded with anything, but then she suddenly made surprised face.

"Their base is empty?" she asked with confusion

Unbreakable began to think about it for a while. Suddenly Eora shout:

"Disperse formation, now!"

In no time everyone ran to different directions, but it was too late. Rockets fell at their positions, sending some of them flying. Eora, Unbreakable, Aleksandrovich, Ivan and Kalina managed to survive explosions without any bigger damage, most of others had only minor injuries, but G43, Bren, MG3 and Chauchat got bigger damages.

"They knew about us?! How?!" shout Scarecrow with anger

"We will think about that later, everyone prepare to defense!" ordered Unbreakable

In no time bullets began to fly toward their positions. Jaegers, Rippers, Strikers and Guards were closing in without fear, while Manticores were covering them.

"Don't let Manticores shoot!" shout Aleksandrovich, making MG and RF T-dolls focus on these enemies

After a while some of them got destroyed, but rest prepared to shot a salvo at Unbreakable's forces position.

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