Chapter 10 - End of Griffin and Kryuger

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11. November 2061 6:24, G&K base at sector J13

Unbreakable ran into commander's office and quickly asked:

"Commander, what's the situation?"

"Insane. KCCO regained 11 out of 14 sectors, that we had. Right now we aren't any threat for them." he answered with sadness

After that, silence fell between them. After a while commander came closer to microphone, that was connected to base's radio station.

"My dear friends. KCCO was step ahead of us. They regained 11 out of 14 sectors, that we had, killed most of T-dolls in move and right now trying to attack our sector. We can't defend against them, that is for sure." 

Then he sighed and added:

"Everyone, take your things. We are leaving this base and moving into Sangvis Ferri territory. Everyone, that can fight right now need to focus on defense against KCCO soldiers, while rest of you need to help logistic team with prepare of our vehicles. When vehicles will be ready to depart, defense forces will be noticed about that, so you need to get in and we will leave the base."

After hearing that Unbreakable came closer and whispered to Aleksadrovich:

"Say something, that will encourage them a bit."

Commander had to think a bit and after that he gave his last speech in base.

"All of us know, that from now on it will be much harder to live. Not to survive, to live. We know, that it is pointless in escaping. Earlier or later SF or KCCO will kill us. Still we are scared of death, don't we? If there is any way to live just a bit longer, we want to use it. This is what makes us humans, doesn't it?

Partition for humans and T-dolls exists no longer. We all are humans. At least that's what I think, so please, don't let me change my mind. I don't want to see you as mindless tools of war, so please, don't surrender now and strive for living as long as possible!"

Commander disconnected microphone from radio station and began to take his things.

"Amelia, I have an order for you. Stop KCCO attack as long as possible. I need to focus on evacuation, so you are commanding whole forces, that we have. Will you be able to do it?"

"So I have to defend against over 2000 KCCO soldiers using around 400 dolls in this base for at least 15 minutes?" she answered slightly lazily

"12 minutes to be precise. We have some resources in trucks, APCs and tanks, so right now we just need to load rest of them."

Unbreakable smiled slightly and turned toward door, then took walkie-talkie.

"Carcano, take everyone with rifle and fill watchtowers and walls, Chauchat, with every MG doll will stay on walls and prepare to mass attack, M38 and rest of SMG dolls need to deliver ammunition to rifles and MGs, ARs will focus around base's gates and don't let enemy come closer even a bit, handguns have to help logistic teams with loading resources."

Mentioned ones answered in agreement through walkie-talkie. Then Unbreakable began to move out from office, but midway she stopped and asked:

"C-commander, can I ask for something?"


"Can you take my violin?"

He looked at her with surprised face and after a while laughed loudly.

"Alright, I will just go." answered Unbreakable and ran out from office

"She will never stop to surprise me."

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