Chapter 2 - Impassable Wall

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For next 2 days every army was digging in Sangvis Ferri's territory, but in third day most of them were stopped by experienced ringleaders and their forces. Commander Aleksandrovich decided to stop attacks at most of frontlines. Most doesn't mean every - "Phoenix" and "Eagle" armies had to prepare for crucial attack in operation "Striking Meteors" - breakthrough rebuilt SF defense lines. In order to let this attack result in success commander Vladimir concentrated half of their remaining manpower at those two adjacent armies.

30. October 2061 10:38, "Phoenix" army camp

Unbreakable was at the tent where was table with map of their surroundings on it, radio and radar. She was thinking about their tactic of attack.

Few minutes earlier

"Unbreakable, I have a request for you." said commander Vladimir Aleksandrovich through video call

"What is it, commander?"

"I don't know what is the situation at your frontline. All I know is that you need to break through one point in it, so here is my request - prepare tactic, that will be most accurate to your situation."

Unbreakable was shocked by this request and said:

"Wait, this is too sudden! I can't prepare any successful tactic in just 30 minutes!"

"I know, but I couldn't tell you about this before. I was asking for this permission for you all night. G&K command didn't want to let you have more permissions, than other command dolls, but their tactic would surely end up as failure - splitting your armies in 4 teams and attacking at 4 different points will end up as your annihilation. From reports, that you sent to me I understand, that their defense is very tight, so this formation is worst one."

"Still, I can't make any tactic in such short amount of time."

"You have Sangvis manufactured dolls under your command, don't you? You should be able to quickly teach them about your tactic."

"But what with G&K T-dolls? They have their own M.I.N.D. so I can't just print new tactic in their memory."

"Don't worry, you will be fine. I believe in you."

This sudden sentence, made Unbreakable blush slightly.

"D-don't say something like that so suddenly, commander. Still I can't make something impossible."

Then commander sighed and began to look around his surroundings, making Unbreakable slightly confused.

"In fact I want you to attack enemies, but not defeat them. If we will move onward, we won't be able to hold this territory, so you need to attack enemies and even if you will be able to break through their lines, you shouldn't do this."

"So you want me to be a traitor?" Unbreakable said slightly angrily

"Yes, but actually no."

"Explain this please."

"As I said if we will attack, we will expand our territory, while letting our defense be worrier. If this will happen, Sangvis will make same thing as us - break through one of armies and destroy our backlines. Possibly they will regain their territory and even expand it. In other hand we must attack, because HQ have some 'plan' that need to get as much SF territory, as we can take."

Unbreakable's expression changed to worried one.

"If they want to regain next sectors, then I can understand why they want us to attack, but there is still a problem. Why they want it so badly? Our forces got weakened by previous attacks and our supplies are used too. If their plan is to regain this territory, then they would stop this attack after reading our reports. Something isn't ok with this plan..."

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