Chapter 5 - Opposition

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1. November 2061 20:21, Hotel Soyuz in Woronezh

Amelia and Vladimir Aleksandrovich were guided by four KCCO soldiers. 

"Just say everything about yourself, ok?" said Aleksandrovich


Few moments later soldiers stopped in front of door and ordered Amelia and Aleksandrovich to come in. In room was large table near which sat 10 people, KCCO officers, G&K commanders and URNC politics. In front of them was smaller table, where two empty chairs stood and two person - one was G&K higher-up and other one was KCCO general, were sitting at other side of it.

"Good evening, Amelia Clarke, or rather Unbreakable. My name is Helianthus, but you can call me Helian."

"I'm general Carter. Pleasure to meet you."

Then all four shook hands.

"Take a sit." said Helian

When sitting down, Unbreakable took quick glance around room. She saw Berezovich Kryuger and KCCO officer from before behind large table. She smiled slightly and said:

"Before we start I want to ask about something."

"What is it?" asked Carter with slight anger in voice

"Can you please stop sending assassins to kill me? We have already captured four of them, two with a knife, one with a pistol and one with a rifle. If you won't stop sending them, I will attack you personally and you won't stand a chance against me."

This phrase made everyone shocked, while Unbreakable was sitting relaxed, with confident smile.

"O-ok." answered Carter under pressure of G&K eyes

"Moreover can you order your agents to stop observing me? I really don't want to attack you, but they are watching me like stalkers. And I mean only KCCO ones."

Carter gritted his teeth and looked at her angrily, but again said just:


Berezovich Kryuger, same as G&K higher-ups smiled slightly at this event. Sangvis Ferri ringleader made KCCO main general ashamed.

"Alright, let us get to the point." said Helian

Unbreakable nodded and the interrogation began.

"First tell us about your past." said Helian

Unbreakable scratched her head and said:

"Hard from beginning, huh?" 

After a while she added:

"There is a problem - my memory is blurred. I can't remind anything from time before my breakout, so I can tell you only about what happened after that."

"Understood. So please tell us what you remember." said Helian

"Don't she want to cover her past, making excuse of oblivion? She can remember everything, but she probably killed so much people, that she don't want to say any-"

"General Carter, here is scan of her memory made by Mikel Nowacki, Patriots brigadier general. He created special program to complete analyze of T-doll's memory. Even if his program could find fragments from T-dolls past as A-dolls (A/N A-doll - autonomous dolls. In GFL lore dolls are divided into T-dolls, that target is fighting and A-dolls, that target is serve people in civil. A-dolls can be changed into T-dolls.), but it couldn't read her memory. They are just mixed up with each other, making it impossible to read them."

General Carter took sheet of paper and after inspecting it, he handed it to Helian.

"I totally don't understand what is written at there. Can you summarize it?" asked Carter with confident smile

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