Chapter 11 - Merciless Pursuit

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As G&K convoy was moving toward Zamosc, KCCO troops were right behind them. Because of Unbreakable's instructions, KCCO finally began to lose their speed and G&K got some time, still they couldn't let their guard off even for a minute.

12. November 2061 12:57, sector G08, 20 kilometers away from Zamosc town.

Commander Aleksandrovich decided to stop the convoy in order to gather information.

"Amelia, do you have any ideas where should we send reconnaissance forces?" he asked

"I think, that we should send four groups, one to belfry-like tower in west, so they will be able to observe our back and notice about KCCO forces' incoming, one to south-eastern tower, that looks very similar to this one and two on west in order to inspect Zamosc or it's precincts. I think, that those teams should find other towers or highland spots, where they can observe their surroundings." she answered while pointing everything at map

"Are you sure, that those belfries are still in one piece?"

"I really don't know, but these spots are highest ones in this area. If they won't be usable, then they just need to find some place, where they will be able to easily look at east, because KCCO troops will go uphill, so our teams should notice them first."

After moment of thinking Aleksandrovich nodded and said:

"We can do it, still we don't know anything about Zamosc's precincts, so it will be very risky to send normal reconnaissance force there."

"Can't we have just a bit of break?" answered Unbreakable, that noticed what Aleksandrovich had on mind

"Sorry, but you can't. I can't send more than 6 person to reconnaissance, still those two teams need to be as good, as possible."

After scratching her head, Unbreakable answered:

"Alright, I will just shut up and do my job!"

When she wanted to leave the command truck, commander caught her arm.

"But don't even try to fight any strong enemy, that you would find there, do you understand?"

His cold voice made her just nod in agreement and when commander took his hand back, she left the truck.

"IWS will surely kill me..." she said with resignation

Few moments later she ordered her two teams to gather near one of armory truck.

"Alright girls, we had job to do. Our teams will go west in order to gather as much information about enemies in Zamosc, as we can. Commander gave me access to two APCs, so Carcano's team will take one and IWS' team will take other one. Carcano will go in 262 degree direction, while IWS will try to spot enemies on 284 degree. 

There should be two roads, that are leading to Zamosc town, so you will slowly come closer to it and after inspecting it from distance, you will try to go into it, but not too deep." said Unbreakable, while pointing mentioned things at virtually projected map

"I'm not sure if we should be so aware of town. Sangvis Ferri destroyed most of towns, leaving only few ones in half-ruined state. I don't think, that they will have their base between ruins. I would be most aware of those locations - ground near lakes and hill on north-east of Zamosc." Jericho was circling terrains, that she was speaking about

"You can be right about that hill, but I'm not sure about the lakes. Sangvis creates bases at strategic locations and those lakes don't have any strategic importance." answered Unbreakable

"Lakes don't have any importance for Sangvis, but they are important to attack on town. If you would like to attack the town from south-east, the lakes are making your frontline narrower, so it's easier to defend the town." Carcano pointed, making Jericho nod at her words

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