Chapter 4 - Growing Tension

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1. November 2061 16:45, Hotel Soyuz in Voronezh

When car stopped, Unbreakable, or rather Amelia looked at hotel, where she and commander Aleksandrovich will stay at. This hotel was 4-star luxury hotel with so beautiful look, that she thought, that commander stopped in front of wrong hotel.

"Commander, are you sure, that we are staying here?"

"Yes. In documents, that are sent to me this is where we should stay at." he answered with slight of disbelief in voice

"They paid a lot for one of most luxury hotel in this town, so why don't we use it?" he added after a while

"Alright, let it be."

When commander opened back door of car, bellhop came closer and bowed towards them.

"Welcome in Hotel Soyuz. Are you Vladimir Aleksandrovich and Amelia Clarke?"

"Yes." answered slightly surprised Aleksandrovich

"Then let me carry your bags to your room." man added with smile

Then commander Vladimir gave him two suitcases and violin case. After taking those, bellhop led them to reception. Few minutes later commander and Amelia were in their room.

"Commander, this room is huge!" she shout with happiness and began to look around

"Not 'commander'. You need to call me 'Mr. Aleksandrovich'."

She looked at him with dose of surprise, but in no time she smiled slightly and said:

"Understood. Need to prepare for mission, don't we?"


Then both of them were looking around their apartment. Their apartment had an area of 70 square meters within were bathroom, two bedrooms, living room with kitchen and balcony with view to whole rebuilt town. 

When Amelia came to one of bedrooms she saw wardrobe, big TV and giant double bed. She quickly threw herself on it and after a while she left happy groan. The bed was so fluffy, that she felt like their long, tiring travel was just a dream.

In other hand commander came to kitchen part of living room. In fridge there was lots of luxury ingredients, but commander looked at two bottles of wine. After inspecting them he smiled slightly.

"One Chardonnay from 2038 and one Corvina from 2047. Where they got those wines?"

Few minutes later commander Aleksandrovich came to bedroom, where Amelia was.

"How do you like this hotel?" he asked confidently

"It's very nice." she answered and stood up

After that she came closer to commander, making him blush slightly, and prepared herself to kiss him. When their lips were just few centimeters away, she whispered quietly:

"But I would love to throw out all spy instruments out from here."

After that she moved away and commander said:

"Prepare yourself. In 2 hours the party will begin."

After that he left the room, letting her get changed.


Few minutes before 19:00 commander Aleksandrovich and Amelia began to walk toward hotel's party hall. In one of corridors they were stopped by three man in suits.

"Good afternoon. My name is Aleksiej Vasilevsky. Can I ask for your names?" asked one of them nonchalantly 

"Good afternoon. My name is Vladimir Aleksandrovich." and he shook his hand with Aleksiej

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