Chapter 1 - Operation "Striking Meteors"

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27. October 2061 9:53, "Phoenix" army's frontline at sector J12

Just 2 minutes left until first phase of attack - massive artillery fire at Sangvis Ferri's positions. Unbreakable was waiting impatiently near radio station, when few G&K dolls came closer.

"How's situation?" asked Thompson and started smoking cigarette

"As you see, we are waiting." she answered and checked her weapon

"Aren't you nervous, leader?" asked IWS 2000

Unbreakable sighed and said:

"If you will find any leader, that wouldn't be stressed at situation like this, then tell me. I would love to change with him."

Then all of them silenced for a while. They understood, that Unbreakable is right - commanding an army would wreck everyone's nerves.

"Will those fight at our side?" again asked Thompson, while knocking at head of one of SF manufactured doll

"If they would be against us, then they would surely kill us before." answered M1 Garand, that was checking scope attached to her weapon

"I'm just trying to improve your moods a bit." 

"Then you don't have capabilities for this." added M38 making others smirk a bit

Suddenly air got fulfilled with cannon booms. Unbreakable took radio's headphones and said:

"Alright everyone, after our artillery will stop firing, we will storm enemies' positions. Barrage rain should last about 3 minutes." 

After that she took off headphones, but after hearing loud explosions just 500 meters away, she quickly put them back. After mentioned time Unbreakable repeated:

"All units attack!" and began running towards Sangvis territory with rest of her regiment

Few moments later "Phoenix" army got stopped by rests of SF army's fire. Everyone wanted to rush at them, but Unbreakable ordered to take cover and carefully defeat enemies.

After a minute she shout:

"Thompson and M38 follow me, IWS, M1, Chauchat and FAMAS, cover us!"

"Wait! What are you want us to do?!" answered Thompson, when she saw, that Unbreakable began to run towards enemies.

Unbreakable didn't stopped even for a while and gracefully dodged bullets fired towards her, while moving between next covers.

"She is crazy as fuck, but she has the spirit." added Thompson, when she saw, that Unbreakable is just 50 meters away from enemies' HMG point, then she began to follow her, same as M38

Unbreakable took cover behind rubble, 40 meters away from enemies and began to concentrating her computing power at hacking, while Thompson and M38 were protecting her. Few seconds later most of enemies stopped firing towards their team.

"Don't shoot any doll, that don't shoot at you!" she shout and took her jupiter cannon, that was formed as pistol, in order to kill enemies, that she couldn't hack

It didn't took much time to destroy remaining enemies.

"Is that your skill?" asked IWS

"Yes, but more about it later, now let's help other teams and move forward."

"Yes ma'am." answered G&K dolls in unison

In just 4 minutes this frontline got broken through by "Phoenix" and after killing or recapturing enemy dolls, they moved onward.

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