Chapter 18 - On The Eve Of Chaos

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A/N Sorry for publishing delay, had to do lot of things IRL and forgot about Wattpad

6. April 2062 15:46, Kuopio

Convoy from AU stopped in front of Hotelli Pohjoinseen (Hotel North), where they had to stay until the beginning of ceremony. Right after checking-in members of "Gray Ghosts" team went to their rooms, while TASA agents began to look around the hotel.

"What should we do Emilia?" asked Vittoria, that been paired with her in room

"Probably prepare ourselves to the ceremony." she answered "Do you have your list of request ready?"

"Yes, it's here." then she handed few sheets of paper to Emilia

After looking around the sheets, they continued their preparation to negotiations. Around 15 minutes later they ended checking everything. When Emilia looked at the clock, she said:

"Alright, let's get changed."

Vittoria nodded at her words and after another few minutes, they were ready to go. Someone knocked at the doors and after realizing, that these people were Onni, Lucia, Sinikka and Agathe, she let them in.

"Is everything prepared, lady minister?" asked Lucia right after closing the doors

"Yes, we can go now." she answered

"There is a problem - the party is in different place, than we expected." said Sinikka

"Probably URNC thinks, that we want to kill their rulers. We are just on negotiations, not some secret mission." 

Right after saying that Emilia and Vittoria stood up and left the room, followed by others. On the corridor Agathe and Melanie joined them and they all walked toward entrance. 

After leaving the hotel, they saw some KCCO soldiers prepared to transport them to place, where party was about to start - Savisaari.

6. April 2062 16:40, Party hall in Savisaari

When the group from AU reached the hall, UN and URNC politics were there already. They quickly split up and joined to other politics' talks. After noticing URNC's Minister of Foreign Affairs - Vladislaw Malyshew, Emilia, Francesca and Vittoria began to walk toward him and Emilia said with smile:

"It looks like are a bit late. I'm really sorry for that, mister Malyshew."

"Please don't worry about that. The party will start at 17:00, so you are just on time." he answered and shook hand with her

"Still it looks like UN delegation was here first, right?"

"No, they got here just a moment ago too."

After that, everyone began to introduce themselves.

"My name is John Davis and I'm Minister of Foreign Affairs in UN."

"My name is Emilia Fisher and I'm Minister of Foreign Affairs in AU."

"And I'm Vladislav Malyshew. Minister of Foreign Affairs in URNC as well."

Next ones to introduce were heads of the Foreign Services and General Directors of Foreign Services. Right after that Malyshew said:

"I propose to toast for this meeting. At last it's first time for a long time, since our countries' delegates came together." 

In no time two waiters came closer with plates filled with glasses of champagne. Emilia felt sharp stares from Vittoria and Francesca, so she quickly said with sadness:

"Unfortunately I have to refuse. I have really weak head, so I would love to avoid drinking alcohol."

"Not even one glass?" asked Davis while holding a glass for her

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