Chapter 9 - Light of Hope or Gloom of Lose?

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For around one week everything in G&K was focused on surviving KCCO attacks. When T-dolls under G&K command got FMOS installed in their M.I.N.D., KCCO surprised by their oppose had to concentrate their forces. Still they had big advantage, so even if G&K regained some sectors and were just 10 kilometers away from Kiev, KCCO stopped their advance and began to get their advantage back. KCCO methodically regained next sectors, making G&K gains get back to their hands.

Then light of hope for G&K began to shine.

10. November 2061 8:47, G&K base at sector J13

Unbreakable was walking toward meeting room with IWS and Thompson. Only Unbreakable and commander Aleksandrovich knew what will be topic of this meeting, but girls could easily guess what it is.

When they got into meeting room, there were Helian, Kalina, commander Aleksandrovich and three commanders of nearest sectors.

"Looks like everyone is here. Then without further ado let's begin this meeting. My name is Vladimir Aleksandrovich and I was the one, who gathered you here." commander's eyes were running between commanders in room and web cam "As you all know KCCO regained their advantage and they are attacking our positions. Sectors K17, J17, N17 and N16 were regained by them without higher difficulties. Still we have chance to stop them."

Commanders in room and in online meeting began to whisper between themselves.

"I will let miss Helian tell you more about it."

"KCCO soldiers uses special armor, that can block shots of most of our T-dolls. When we will add exoskeletons, they have their usual mobility and good armor, that makes them invincible for some weapons. From what we know, their defense loosened up a bit, when they regained these four sectors, that's why we want to show you plans of operation 'Last Card'."

Then Helian turned on holographic table.

"This is current frontline in sectors K16 and L16. KCCO troops began to group up at sectors N16 and J17, making those two their army's weak point. Our plan is attacking them at coordinates BHM2T, HP4GY and JTRS9. We need to use every RF and MG T-doll, that we have under our command, if we want to make this plan success."

"Wait, if we will lose there, we won't have nearly any power to defend our sectors." said some commander at video meeting

"That's right. If we will agree on this plan, we will go all in. Still if we will success, we will be able to attack KCCO supply lines, get some supplies and force them to retreat."

"How will this attack course in detail?" asked one of commanders in room

"Our forces will began their attack tomorrow at 18:30. We will create three independent operation armies, that will be led by three most experienced commanders. Rifle and machinegun T-dolls have to focus on taking down armored enemies, while other dolls have to distract enemies, attack using explosives or take down enemies, that aren't heavy armored. 

After breaking through their defense, RF and MG T-dolls will have to focus on holding breaches in enemy lines, while rest will attack KCCO's backlines and if possible, retrieve useful materials. We don't want to go deep into enemy backlines, so maximal range of our attack is 3 kilometers deep from breach. 

When their supplies will be destroyed or regained, armies will attack KCCO remains between them. If KCCO won't retreat after these happenings, we will split into two armies and attack sectors J17 and N16, killing every enemy at our way, but that will depend on our situation at battlefield, so we will probably stop after regaining sectors K16 and L16."

"This plan is too risky. We can't just throw our forces into battlefield like this. There are too many variables and we won't be able to defend after lose at there." said other commander in room, making commanders at video call agree with him

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