Chapter 19 - Price Of Revenge

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6. April 2062 17:51, Kuopio

Right after killing Carter, rest of Unbreakable's team took down another targets - president, prime minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, head of Bureau of State Security and KCCO generals. 

URNC's agents started firing at AU's agents, while UN's agents tried to get their politicians out from the hall, but quickly got stopped by KCCO soldiers. Whole hotel changed into battlefield in no more than 10 seconds.

As Unbreakable was one, who killed Carter, she couldn't catch a breath while KCCO soldiers and URNC's agents tried to kill her. When she got surrounded by more than 30 soldiers, someone threw flashbang and took her out from there.

"Unbreakable, are you alright?" asked Eora while shooting at agents, that were following them

"Yes. What with others?" said Unbreakable and asked through FMOS

"I'm moving with Carcano, Jericho and Ivan to the meeting point. We should reach it in 2 minutes, as we need to break through KCCO." answered M38

"Scarecrow and I are going toward you, leader. We should meet in 10 seconds." wrote IWS

"Hold this position Eora." said Unbreakable, while taking PPSh, that one of soldiers had

She didn't answered and continued to take down next enemies with Glock.

After a few seconds, IWS and Scarecrow broke through one of doors at corridor and joined to shootout.

"Don't lag here, we need to go! Follow me!" shout Unbreakable and ran toward IWS and Scarecrow

POV change

"38' behind you!" shout Ivan

She ducked and let Ivan shot that enemy.

"This guy is irritating!" M38 shout with anger, while looking at heavy armored KCCO soldier

Right after that she took out her knife and rushed toward him, as he was few meters in front of them.

"Get back!" shout Carcano, but M38 threw the stun grenade toward the soldier and continued running

As she held this grenade for a while, it blew right above armored soldier's head. He tried to evade M38's attack, but it wasn't so easy in this heavy armor and when it is ringing in your ears. She stabbed him right between his helmet and vest, making him fall in no time.

"Follow me!" she shout and shot magazine from her pistol at agents

Carcano, Jericho and Ivan were still surprised by this attack, as it was something, that they would expect only from Unbreakable or Eora, but they followed her.

"When did you learned it?!" asked Jericho when reloading her weapon

"Learned what?" she answered with slight confusion

As rest was looking at her confused, she understood what they had on their mind.

"It was just luck, hehe."

"You idiot!" Carcano, Jericho and Ivan shout in unison 

"When we will get back to base, we will surely take stupidity our of your head!" added Carcano


POV change

Unbreakable's group was pinned down by KCCO soldiers with heavy armor. 

"Leader, take care of them." said IWS after getting back into the room, where they were

"I can't take them down here! Don't ask for impossible!"

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