Chapter 17 - Great News

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Since last happenings five months have passed and a lot have changed. "Gray Ghosts" got name of best TASA elite team after taking part in about 80 battles. At the beginning soldiers were skeptical about their skills, but after seeing them in battle, they quickly changed their mind and right now they love to be in battle alongside them.

AU regained all Sweden, Norway and Denmark until that moment and prepared to liberate northern Germany and Great Britain, however URNC managed to retrieve only Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and small part of Romania. Moreover URNC's puppet government began to break treaties with AU.

KCCO was slowly repositioning to AU border in Finland, making AU do same thing, still URNC had advantage in numbers. Civils in URNC were disgusted by actions did by government and army and went on strike, but they quickly got silenced by KCCO and Bureau of State Security's agents.

Seeing this, AU government couldn't help but think about solution to their worries, but they didn't want to start war against URNC, that can even result in destroying both countries. Suddenly answer for their problem rose before their eyes.

5. April 2062 10:28, Gray Ghosts' training camp

"Leader, did you heard those rumors?" asked IWS, that was preparing her Five-Seven to shoot 

"Which rumors? Something about colonel Suen? Or M38's rank up to second lieutenant?" answered Unbreakable in between of shooting her M4A1

"She will really get that rank up?" asked surprised IWS

"I don't know. They can't let her go higher, because of her skills, but maybe generals will decide to give her this rank."

"That would be nice, since we all are majors and lieutenant colonels. Anyway, I didn't meant any of these. I meant the one about secret mission to destroy URNC's government."

Unbreakable sighed and while checking ammunition in magazine, she said:

"Yes, I do. Still it's just a rumor, AU and URNC are step before a war for three months right now."

"Maybe you are right. Still I would love to take part in that operation." answered IWS with slight smile

"Trust me, not only you."

The person who said that was Eora, that just came to shooting range.

"I would love to personally kill Carter too, but right now all we can do is wait for decision."

"Decision about what?" asked IWS

"You will know in near future." she answered and began to shoot from her old, good H&K 416

IWS and Unbreakable wanted to know more about Eora's quote, but from experience with talking to her they knew, that she won't tell anything, that she don't want to. 10 minutes passed and suddenly colonel Suen came into shooting range.

"Training hard as always, don't you?" he asked

Girls quickly saluted to him and Unbreakable said:

"We can't let our hard work be destroyed by day of slacking off."

"Still 4 days ago you was the one, who couldn't do anything whole day from getting drunk." 

His remark made Eora and IWS hardly hold themselves back from laughter, while Unbreakable just giggled and scratched back of her head.

"You know that your body is very vulnerable to alcohol, but still you drank strongest drink, that was in bar. Really, how can you be so reckless?" continued Suen with pity in voice

Unbreakable sighed and asked with submission:

"Do you have something for us colonel, or you came only to laugh at me?"

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